Things that weird you out

Anybody have anything that just weirds you out, but is completely foolish.

For me, its the inside of a cantaloupe. The stringy part with the seeds, just looks f'n weird.

Insides of a crab.

That frog with all the babies in its back and looks like a bagpipe.
The seeds inside a bell pepper. I can't stand that - it reminds me of this stray mutt I saw as a kid that had tons of ticks in its ear.....ewww.
These two things....are weird:


Cottage Cheese. Someone made a comparison between cottage cheese and "something else" when I was in High School.

I did not like it then. I can't even have it in the house now.
Don't tell the hubby, but someone chasing after me with a vaccuum.

I get so freaked out...think it may have something to do with mom chasing me with the vaccuum when I was little and my hair ending up getting stuck in the hose....:eek:
I have a vaccuum phobia as well, but only when my mom is using it. She chased after me with it when I was really young, like 4 or 5, and I just can't stand to be in the same room with her when she's vaccuuming.

Besides that, I don't know what really freaks me out. Oh I know. I live in a town where a bunch of mentally unstable homeless people live in the streets. Sometimes they will come into the shops downtown and start yelling profanities. That freaks me out.
A needle in the vein weirds me out and makes me semi-nauseous. Spinals don't bother me, needles in the muscle don't bother's just when I see a vein being injected in an upper extremity vein sickens me out.
Cottage Cheese. Someone made a comparison between cottage cheese and "something else" when I was in High School.

I did not like it then. I can't even have it in the house now.

thank you for sparing us the "something else" i have a hard enough time eating it as it is!

what weirds me out... my boss.. he weirds everyone in the office out. the news.. i can't watch it at night when i'm home alone lol.. funny i can watch scary movies and they dont bother me, but not the news, or america's most wanted or something lol.. i think of more later
i get skeeved out by the word "moist." it's such a gross word. i'll take "wet" "damp" "soggy" "dank" but something about "moist" is just so...inappropriate. :eek:

also, anyone with a clipboard freaks me out...
5'10 225lb. Marine scared of spiders ;)
Even the little baby ones scare the hell out of me...