Thermo Gain.... L-Arginine 500

Trying to figure out how useful Thermo Gain would be to start my cutting phase, but build lil muscle.. or at least not lose any. Been trying to read up as much as I can handle and still stuck. Has anyone tried this stuff?

L-Arginine 500 says it helps maintain blood vessel tone. How useful will this be for me.. if any?

Just got lotta stuff from my bro as he moved out, and left behind his supps. I got some NOX-CG3 by Xyience, Fish Oil softgels, Amino Acids 1800. Anyone find any use for these in my cutting stages. I already got Protein down packed.

Thanks in advance.
arginine won't help or hinder you. it makes blood vessels enlarge, which gives you a 'fake pump' in the muscles. won't make you stronger, or recover faster (at least, no hard science has proved it).

fish oil caps - good, as long as they didn't go rancid yet
amino acids, probably not needed, but won't hurt to take a little pre and post workout with your meals/shakes.

the NOX-CG3 is an arginine + creatine product.
Fish Oil caps got til' 8/08 before they expire. I should be good to go on those nasty thangs. How often should I take them. I see they have Omega 3.

Amino Acids serve what purpose? And how much you think I should consume pre and post workout?

Anything on the Thermo Gain... I heard from word of mouth it was not bad.. but I rather take the word from people on here. Thanks Malkore.
you can take a couple fish oil caps at every meal except post workout. you want an even split of your fat intake between saturated, poly, and mono unsaturated. animal meat and eggs, fatty dairy, will give you saturated. nuts, seeds, will give you mono and some poly. fish oil is for unless you eat a lotta salmon, go for about 10 fish caps a day, assuming you're of average height/weight.

amino acids...are what make up protein. so all protein contains them. arguable that anyone but pro-athletes will even benefit from taking extra BCAA's. but since you got them free, may as well use em up, but wouldn't buy more.
I would go by whatever's on the label for dosing.

Never heard of thermo gain....oh, its a MuscleTech product...that's one strike.
it has Tri-creatine malate....fancy expensive creatine not proven to be any better than monohydrate...that's strike two.
Strike three is that it doesn't really contain any effective 'fat burner' ingredients. just some tea extracts, caffine, and asprin. it won't be very effective.

strike four (wait, is that too many?) is that it's promising to bulk you up and lean you out, via creatine and thermogenics. that's paradoxical logic, besides creatine doesn't work that way.

I wouldn't bother with it.
lol Thanks alot Malkore. You've been alot of help explaining these to me. Much appreciated!

Now I gotta figure out how the hell I will be able to consume at least 10 of those fish caps daily.. ew UGh
well, 2 per meal, skipping post workout...that should be 5 meals, times 2, equals 10 :)

next time you get some, look for ones with enteric coating. that prevents the fishy burps that often follow fish oil supps.

also, start eating a meal, then take the caps, then finish. i find if i chase my meal with fish caps, I get more after taste than if I 'sandwich' them in the middle of my feeding.
I refridgerate my fish oil caps to prevent them from going rancid. Arginine probably doesn't have much effect, if any, on building muscle, but it may have other cardiovascular benefits by helping promote blood flow. It is also benificial for erectile disfunction since it causes an increase in nitric oxide, which is what Viagra causes to be released to relax the blood vessels and allow them to expand.
Well, gee wiz!
If I can't get enough protein in a given day, I thought that supplementing with Amino Acid 1800 (same as his) would help me out!
By what I have read, BCAA's don't do much for promoting muscular growth??
WTH then does?
garyl43 said:
I refridgerate my fish oil caps to prevent them from going rancid. Arginine probably doesn't have much effect, if any, on building muscle, but it may have other cardiovascular benefits by helping promote blood flow. It is also benificial for erectile disfunction since it causes an increase in nitric oxide, which is what Viagra causes to be released to relax the blood vessels and allow them to expand.

Haha thanks for the bit of info.. I am pretty set on my erectile functions. The arginine stuff will not benefit me in any way than.. Thanks for the input.
teknotexan said:
Well, gee wiz!
If I can't get enough protein in a given day, I thought that supplementing with Amino Acid 1800 (same as his) would help me out!
By what I have read, BCAA's don't do much for promoting muscular growth??
WTH then does?
They do, but 1.8 grams is such a tiny amount compared to a good whey protein that you aren't getting much bang for your hard earned buck.
teknotexan said:
Well, gee wiz!
If I can't get enough protein in a given day, I thought that supplementing with Amino Acid 1800 (same as his) would help me out!
By what I have read, BCAA's don't do much for promoting muscular growth??
WTH then does?

Malkore mentioned Extra BCAA's. I figure if you lack the amount you set yourself on your intake of protein than Amino acids would be a benefit for you.. but to my understanding if you have came to your precise amount of protein intake... and decide to take amino acids to add "extra" protein.. that will not benefit you any extra.

Did I get that right?

Plus majority guys out there suggest protein is well enough for muscle growth.. as long as your foods are right.. than it depends on how your workout routine looks like to build muscle... Or you can just go on some roids. :p
What we're saying is that if you're diet is lacking in protein, don't spend a fortune on these pills to get 10 extra grams a day when you can get a lot more from a good whey protein for a lot less money.
garyl43 said:
What we're saying is that if you're diet is lacking in protein, don't spend a fortune on these pills to get 10 extra grams a day when you can get a lot more from a good whey protein for a lot less money.

Dayum alright gotcha bro, thanks. What would Amino Acids serve a purpose than for anyone? Would it be for like hardcore competition body builders who need specific amount of protein? Amino acids would just cover the 1-10g needed?
Like malkore said, amino acids are what make up protein. I think those expensive pills serve the purpose of filling the manufacturers pocketbook, and milking the noobs bank account, thats about it. I think you'll find that most experienced lifters have learned this and stick to a good diet, a whey protein supplement, vitamin supplement, fish oil/flax seed oil, creatine monohydrate and maybe L-Glutamine as an anti-catabolic.
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garyl43 said:
They do, but 1.8 grams is such a tiny amount compared to a good whey protein that you aren't getting much bang for your hard earned buck.
What we're saying is that if you're diet is lacking in protein, don't spend a fortune on these pills to get 10 extra grams a day when you can get a lot more from a good whey protein for a lot less money.

precisely. amino pills used to be huge, cuz protein powders were pretty poor in quality. now they know how to make better protein with new processes, and a lot of places add additional aminos. look on the back of your protein. i know ON and Nitrean both have BCAA breakdowns. compare that to your amino 1800 powder, and you'll see its not that impressive a supplement.

but like i said, since you've got it, may as well use it up.

in addition to the aminos in whey, cottage cheese...full of glutamine (for what its worth...). red meat contains creatine, l-arginine, and if i recall correctly...carnitine.

a diverse diet of whole foods, plenty of shouldn't be hurting for nutrients. i think of a multivitamin as insurance, not a necessity. occasionally I forget to take it, and notice no difference the rest of the day.
I used to use ThermoGain ( don't worry I didn't buy it my friend gave it to me) and I msut say I definatley got the 'pump', but all in all:waste. of. money.
It's not about the pump. Because all a pump is, is well, a pump. Nothing more nothing less. Creatine will help you get a few more reps out, help you heal a tad quicker, and in some studies has shown to increase GH output slightly.
malkore said:
amino pills used to be huge, cuz protein powders were pretty poor in quality. now they know how to make better protein with new processes, and a lot of places add additional aminos. look on the back of your protein. i know ON and Nitrean both have BCAA breakdowns. compare that to your amino 1800 powder, and you'll see its not that impressive a supplement.

I supplement with a scoop in the morning and in the afternoon of some ProBlend 55 powder, which includes BCAA's, etc. I learned that the body cannot digest 55 grams of protein in one serving, so I break them up into two smaller ones. Is that true?

I also like taking my 1800 Amino Acid Complex pills before a workout. It just keeps me going that extra bit further, but where I really see a difference is in my cardio days! I run this course through Santa Clara that destryoed me when I first did it, made me struggle 6 months ago, but now I breeze on through it with energy to spare. BUT here's the thing: I take an Amino Pill 15-30 minutes before and I feel like I can go on forever! I don't feel any cramping afterward either, and i still am enrgized when I am done. How can this be??