There is only one you, there is only one me

There is Only One You, There is Only One Me

I’ve been poking my head around here as a lurker for a bit, and now have posted here and there for the past few days. I’ve debated how much to share about my own training, what my logs look like, my current nutritional intake, and my philosophies – and I’m still feeling the place out, getting comfortable.

There is one other issue that I feel keeps me from “participating” fully – and it is the ONE thing I keep thinking with every new thread and post I read. It’s something I think everyone here could use to remember sometimes. So…here goes:

There is only one you. There is only one me.

I look at some of the challenges (like 500 pushups or 1 hour in plank) and think “Hrmmm, I wonder how long it would take me to do that???”

Then I have to FIGHT that competitive surge inside me that wants to do it just to prove I can. I have to wrestle it, push it down, stamp on it, pin it there, and shout, “NO! Enough!”

There is only one you. There is only one me.

I know I’m right when I see the lifts getting heavier, the volume getting bigger, my performance improving. I know I’m right when I walk into the gym energized and eager to go, and I know I’m right when I leave tired, spent, and thrilled that I found what I needed to push myself to blow through that last rep…or to STOP when my form really was gone. I know I’m right when I start explaining the program I’ve designed to one or two of those curious gym regulars who never seems to have a plan or purpose, and it gets them wondering why they don’t. I know I’m right when I’m out at night, and the person I’m with reaches across the table to feel my arm through my sweater and says, “Wow! You’re really built. Flex for me.”

There is only one you. There is only one me.

I’ve gone from competing to the weight gain, lack of identity & confidence that comes when the doctor tells you that you’re done to re-inventing my athletic life and self such that I’m in better shape – and happier - than ever before. I’ve cut. I’ve bulked. I’ve endured. I’ve skated so close to that edge between pushing hard and too much – and I’ve fallen off that cliff before. Yet, sometimes, I still can’t help getting closer and closer to that edge again. You might need someone to motivate you, to tell you to go for it. I need someone to tell me to SLOW DOWN, and, even then, I often don’t listen.

There is only one you. There is only one me.

Everyone is looking for that magic answer – the perfect diet, the perfect ratio of carbs to fat to protein, the perfect weight loss system, the perfect way to that 6 pack or 8 pack, the perfect routine for benching the world, the perfect lifting program for strength, for endurance, for muscle size...

We can share information, the wealth of facts we know. We can share our own personal stories. And, most important, we can share our support.

What we can not know is…what the perfect ANYTHING is for anyone, let alone for someone else. Armed with knowledge and support, YOU are the best one to figure out what works for you.

There is only one you. There is only one me.

My personality type, my body type, my injury history…they are mine, not yours. My food preferences and aversions, my body’s ability to digest & metabolize macronutrients…they are mine, not yours. My goals, my desires, my motivation, my sense of fulfillment…they are mine, not yours.

You ask: What should I do???

Get to know yourself. Take the overwhelming support offered here, and learn as much as you can. Ask for advice that is tailored to YOU. Experiment. Collect the data, see the results. See how it feels. See what you want. Then adjust. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Nothing is set in stone. It's never too late to change, and every detail you learn about yourself - how your mind, body or heart reponds to a stimulus - is something you take with you to build upon and grow.

We all can change, as long as you remember that...

...there is only one you, there is only one me.