Sport The Warrior Diet

Sport Fitness
My wrestling coach has recently told us about the Warrior Diet.
Many of my friend have decided that durin the off season we will go on this diet. I am looking for input on this and if any of u know of it what I could do to make it beter

Breakfest and lunch turn into as few nuts/berries as possible.
Dinner then turns into a giant feast with as many calories as possible.

The point of this is to work out on more or less an emptier stomach to increase the fat burn and muscle gain. After working out later in the day dinner is full of raw and ORGANIC (very important) foods that will have many nutrients and protiens. Massive amounts of calories to last the next day.
This diet is called the warrior diet because it is based off the strongest breed of human the spartans. This is how they ate but now during the 21st century the ease of getting food has turned breakfest into something it shouldn't have been and lunch also to a degree. The chemicals in the foods that have been secretly placed in our foods make our bodies want to store more fat and lead to deadly body conditoins such as cancer. They have also made many people scared of fats, wich they should not be. Organic fats are good for the body and will not result in bad wieght gain. This also takes a while for your matabolisim to get used to and change to fit so you would gradualy work into this. It is mostly about muscle gain not just fat loss

So thats basicly the sumarization of the diet ^
aplogies to my coach if i wrote anything wrong down

His work out techinique and diet can be found on:
if you are intrested in learing more

what are your opnions on the diet? He has found it very satasfactory. He is the most fit man I have seen in my life and I have been around muscle building for a while
I'm trying something very similar for the next few days, not eating for 16 hours, then feasting for about 8, getting in all the days calories. But I thought the warrior diet was based off of paleolithic man? not the spartans...
Im not to sure, you are probably right though my friends father (who was in the NFL and a very big exercise enthuisist) alos relates it to the spartans.

But please tell me how it works for you im very intrested in seeing acutual results
So this is suppose to be a muscle gain diet? or is it fat loss?

If it's for muslce gain, I can see some downfall for it. One, you are going to workout on mostly empty stomach so your effort / intensity is decrease and thereby, your growth / progress is not as good. Eating a BIG dinner have not always been a best method for the body to lose fat. Why eat a lot when your body is about to shutdown and call it a night. I mean, I understand that you might want the nurtrients for your body to repair and grow while you sleep BUT why not just eat a lot of slow digesting protein and minimal carbs?

Why would we based our diet / training routine that is over 1,000 years old? I hope our knowledge of growth, repair, rebuild have improved since Sparta. Maybe you outta look up the Spartan's ACTOR's from 300 DIET + excercise routine.

This is just my 0.02 cent.