The two most difficult/challenging exercises for the average man

I soooo wish I could do these....

Check out this Rocky 4 training montage, specifically what Sly is doing at the 4:48 - 5:00 min mark.
I don't know what that exercise is called, I think it's called the Dragon Flag, but I could be mistaken.
Anyway, I've tried it and well....FAIL! :mad:

Another one that isn't so much an exercise as much as a miracle feat of intrinsic strength is the human flag. This looks so impossible, difficult, and f'n crazy that I originally thought it was camera trickery of some kind...

Jason Salamone
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Yep, that be it.

The thing is I don't know anybody (or maybe I do, and I just don;t know) that knows how to do any of those exercises, so I can be taught.

Plus, how strong does your lower back and tight do your abs have to be before you should even attempt to do that? I mean should you make sure you have rock hard abs (I'm about 20some pounds away from that), and do several months worth of good mornings and roman chair for your lower back before even attempting that?

I have rock hard muscular legs, so keeping them off the ground with your lower back off the ground, well I can't even get them off the ground let alone keep them there.

Well, I guess I shouldn't feel too bad about it, because it's seems only the superathelete can perform such feats. I mean Bruce Lee wasn't human! He was a phenom! Most professional athletes couldn't do these two exercises.

Jason Salamone
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Yep, that be it.

The thing is I don;'t know anybody (or maybe I do, and I just don;t know) that knows how to do any of those exercises, so I can be taught.

Plus, how strong does your lower back and tight do your abs have to be before you should even attempt to do that? I mean should you make sure you have rock hard abs (I'm about 20some pounds away from that), and do several months worth of good mornings and roman chair for your lower back before even attempting that?

I have rock hard muscular legs, so keeping them off the ground with your lower back off the ground, well I can't even get them off the ground let alone keep them there.

Well, I guess I shouldn't feel too bad about it, because it's seems only the superathelete can perform such feats. I mean Bruce Lee wasn't human! He was a phenom! Most professional athletes couldn't do these two exercises.

Jason Salamone

that's how i sleep at night
I didn't look at the video, but single leg bodyweight squats, if done correctly with full ROM, are hard as hell.
The Barbell Leg Press


jesus NBS, is that a picture of you?? be careful not to sneeze or anything
I can do the dragon fly and I've seen someone doing the BB leg press on a smith machine before, they were throwing it up plyometic style and catching it with their feet again, very cool
it's not nbs.. lol. you haven't seen that pic before? It's like the most awesome exercise pic in the history of the internet!
it's not nbs.. lol. you haven't seen that pic before? It's like the most awesome exercise pic in the history of the internet!

Its a pic of Wilbur Miller leg pressing 500lbs in the 1960's.

Wilbur Miller was Kansas wheat farmer who became the best amateur deadlifter in America back in the 1960's.

He trained by himself when the day's farm chores were done.

In 1963, Wilbur Miller pulled an official AAU record 705 lbs. and a year later topped that when he pulled 715 at the very first National Powerlifting Tournament held in York, Pennsylvania.
Looking at your original video do you know he didn't rest after like every one one of them..I mean he is actor so I am sure they only show us what we wanna see..

That exercise looks difficult not impossible though..just gotta keep trying till you get it..and to get that far..first you have put your hands on ground and bring your body up..stay like that for as long as you can....or stand upside down on your hands..what he is doing is putting his half of his body weight in upper body and arms...I have seen people walking on their hands you should hit that road first as basic
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Flags are fairly easy the way pictured. This way is much harder:


There's a guy on the internet somewhere, I can't remember his name, but he's a black british guy, who can do human flags with somebody STANDING ON HIM. That's hard.
Its as simple as this, you want to look good, then go here... you'll get free reports.
Here it is: TAA

Dont slow down, just set your mind to it, move forward and in time you'll see yourself in a better shape. Personally, from my own experience, seeing myself toner only gives me more encouragement to keep moving forward.

With Best of Hope,
i do dragon flags as part of my routine - I do 3 sets of 15. Come to think of it i do full range piston squats ...hopping as high as i can on each rep.