Sport The Truth About Egg Whites and Egg YOLKS!

Sport Fitness
I love having egg omelets for breakfast but my trainer was just telling me that I should only be eating the egg whites. I found I really hated throwing those away...I came across this article and think it is pretty good if you are wondering what to do too! (removed)


(I didn't know how to put a link in here...but it seems like the blue part is linking to the article, so I think if you click on that you will get to it! Egg whites conquered...internet skills still need work...)
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I have that exact argument with my boyfriend at breakfast all the time! When I get a plate of fried eggs, I have the terrible habit of eating the yolks (yummy!) and leaving the whites =P He always tells me I'm leaving the healthy bit and eating the fattening bit - I tell him no, I ate the important bit and left the boring bit!

If they are hard boiled I just eat the whole thing. Mmmm eggs.
This is a wonderful segment the turned the light bulb on in my mind. Food cravings have been in control. I fight high anxiety,so I have very often turned to food. It only took a few sentences to open my eyes and let me see where I really am concerning food and overpowering cravings.
this an interesting segment. Actually the yellow egg yolk is nutritional rather than the white.
Egg whites does lower the omelet's calories, fat, and cholesterol content, but it also makes the meal void of vitamins B2, B12, D, and iron. If you're concerned about getting enough of those nutrients, a good option would be to eat an omelet made of one whole egg and two egg whites. It's still low in calories, fat, and cholesterol, but you'll get some vitamins from the egg yolk.
I think it's crazy throwing away the yoke. It is full of good nutrition. The problem with your breakfast is the omelette aspect. Cooking the yokes oxidizes the fats and makes them a threat to your arteries.
Nothing wrong with yolks or the whites. Just eat to your macros and you will be fine.