The Third and Final Step of The Self Hypnosis Process

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In my last post to this site I taught you the second step of a three step self hypnosis process. So today I am going to be teaching you the third step of that process during which you will learn how to give yourself positive suggestions of change.

So what you need to do first in order to practice this method of self-hypnosis is to write a positive suggestion on a piece of paper. At the end of this post I will include some information about writing suggestions and also list a few suggestions that you can use.

So if you wanted to work on your motivation you may want to use the suggestion, “My motivation and determination to reach and to maintain my goal weight increases every day”.

Once you have a suggestion a piece of paper you will then get yourself in a nice comfortable position, just like you did when you practiced step two of this process. Then you will stare at a spot just above eye level but before you take your three deep breaths you will hold your suggestion up and read it to yourself three times slowly.

“My motivation and determination to reach and to maintain my goal weight increases every day”

“My motivation and determination to reach and to maintain my goal weight increases every day”

“My motivation and determination to reach and to maintain my goal weight increases every day”

Once you've then read the suggestion three times you'll then drop the piece of paper you are holding and stare at the spot you choose. Then you will take three deep breaths and on the third breath before you exhale you will mentally count backwards from three down to one. At the count of one you will then exhale that breath, mentally sat the word relax and allow your eyes to close.

At this point you'll then begin to mentally count backwards from 25 down to one just like you did during step two of this process. When you get good at getting into a nice relaxed state you can then begin to shorten this 25 down to 1 count. You may want to experiment and see what counting down from 20 to 1 does and then from 15 down to 1. Your aim should be to get so good at getting into a relaxed state that you can get there just by counting down from 10 to 1.

Once you have then counted backwards you will then do a process which is very similar to what you did during step one of this process. During step 1 you said the suggestion, ‘Every day in everyway I am getting better and better’ and you then put a mental movie to that suggestion.

The only diiference is that when you use this method the suggestion that you say to yourself will be the suggestion that you had written on your piece of paper. So you would say, ‘My motivation and determination to reach and to maintain my goal weight increases every day’.

Once you have then said the suggestion to yourself you would then make a mental movie based upon whatever that suggestion is that you're working on. So in this example you could imagine yourself preparing a healthy meal or stepping on the scales having reached your weight goal.

Once you've then imagined that mental movie you'll then repeat the suggestion again and then either use the same mental movie or a different one. You'll then repeat this process for roughly about five minutes or longer depending on time. Then you will count from 1 to 3 and allow your eyes to open.

How to Write Suggestions

When you give yourself a positive suggestion there is a certain way that you need to do it in order to get the results that you are after.

So the first thing you want to remember when you are writing a suggestion is that you do not want to use any negative words. Your subconscious mind does not understand negative words and will ignore them. So if you said to yourself, “I do not eat fatty foods”, your subconscious mind will ignore the word not and will only hear I eat fatty foods.

So to replace the negative you'd want to get rid of the word not and maybe say, “fatty foods disgust me”, or even better “I prefer the taste of healthy foods”.

The next thing to remember when you are writing a suggestion is to keep your suggestions positive. So if you was with me now and you said to me “I do not want to eat fatty foods”, I would ask you, “Well if don't want to eat fatty foods what do you want to eat instead”?

You may then say healthy foods. So that's what you would base your suggestion around. When you do this you are putting your thoughts on what you want and that’s important because your mind will always give you what you focus on. So the key to change is to focus on the things that you want in your life.

The next thing you want to remember when you are writing a suggestion is that you use the present tense. Your mind does not understand time; all your mind understands is what's now. So when you are writing a suggestion, write that suggestion as if that suggestion is true now. Now it may not be true but if you write the suggestions and say the suggestion as if it is true then your subconscious mind has to make change in order to make that a reality now.

So if you said to yourself, “I will eat healthily”, then its not going happen today because you are using the future tense. Your mind would hear the suggestion and think well it’s not happening now so I’ll just keep things as they are. So a much better alternative would be to say, “I am a healthy eater” or "I eat healthily".


I find it extremely easy to say no to unhealthy foods and yes to healthy foods.

I exercise on a regular basis and I love it.

I am in control of food.

I find that I feel full quickly when I am eating.

Three meals per day is more than enough for me.

I always eat slowly and taste my food.

I eat only at mealtimes, sparingly and properly.

I get full quickly.

My belief that I can and will reach my goals weight increases everyday.

Nothing, absolutely nothing is going to stop me from reaching my ideal weight.

I drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.

My body is changing everyday because of the exercise that I do.
Thanks for posting that. Some interesting ideas, there.
Hi G,
I just signed up specifically to be able to post a reply here. I have some experience of receiving negative feedback when you are trying to help people. The very first forum post I made some years ago on a quit smoking forum I gave people a link to a free course to help them stop smoking. The only onward link was to a website giving more free information. There was nothing to buy, not even Adsense! But I got such vitriolic feedback accusing me of spamming that it really upset me.People are posting for help but are happier to read comments from others than to read free time-tested valid tecniques which will really help.
On teh way here I posted a reply to someone who's having a setback and suggested that she read and use your excellent 3 posts. Should have said that I don't know you. Hope this doesn't give rise to more negative comments for you.
I for one think you're doing a great job here.
Best Regards
My problem with this is it doesn't change what most people really need.


The 8 glasses of water a day (myth), the I will feel fuller (that is a chemical signal that gets triggered around 15-20 minutes after you actually ARE full), I will eat healthier (if you don't know what that can you trick yourself into eating healthier), three meals a day (also very disputed).

I was skeptical before and I still am. You don't need to hypnotis yourself (and let's be real here, what you are doing is simple positive re-enforcement, not tapping the subconcious), you need to get the right information and make the right choices. Not your subconcious, you. If you want the weight to stay off, you need to learn how to change your life, not trick it. It's akin to weight loss pills in my opinion. It's a way around what you actually have to do. If you lose weight, it won't be cause of self hypnosis.
I agree completely that people need the correct information to enable them to lose weight and education in this area is vital. However, I am finding more and more that many people do have this knowledge, but have problems with motivation, or find that urge to overeat when something has upset them for example is still overwhelming.
Successfulweight loss seems to depend upon knowing the correct pattern of eating for your body, and having the mindset to carry this out and do some exercise. It is not a one-size-fits-all method and so there will be readers who are sceptical about some things written, yet others who will benefit.
And yes, this is positive thinking and it is easier said than done to change from negative thinking to positive. But all these thoughts are in the sunconscious and are propelled forward into the conscious mind when triggered by external events. Using hypnosis, achieving the alpha state of relaxation makes changing these thoughts easier and quicker, that's all. Whatever label is used the results are the same. I've been practising Clinical Hypnosis for over 12 years and have dealt with weight loss issues far more than anything else. I'm not saying everyone needs this, but if people have the practical knowledge but are still struggling I'm suggesting (no pun intended!)that this might help. It will certainly do no harm and cost no money, so if someone doesn't like the idea, just don't do it.
Incidentally Candace Pert PHD was the pioneer who first proved that negative emotions pass to the dna of our cells so we carry them even after cells have reproduced themselves, leading to physical illness. But I'm going off track here. Anyone interested should read her book "Molecules of Emotion"
Must go, client due who has been referred to Hypnotherapy by her consultant.
Hi G,
I just signed up specifically to be able to post a reply here. I have some experience of receiving negative feedback when you are trying to help people. The very first forum post I made some years ago on a quit smoking forum I gave people a link to a free course to help them stop smoking. The only onward link was to a website giving more free information. There was nothing to buy, not even Adsense! But I got such vitriolic feedback accusing me of spamming that it really upset me.
So you signed up specifically to bitch about the spamming rules?

Would you go into someone else's home and start handing out free brochures w/out first asking if it was ok? Would you walk into a random building in the middle of your town and start handing out free paperwork and expect them to not ask you to stop?

Do you know how many "get this free" posts we moderators remove each day? If we didn't set some kind of limit on posting links and giveaways and advertisements this site would be overrun with them and there would be no room for valid posting of information.

People who just appear on forums, don't bother to read the rules, don't bother to learn the culture, and start posting links shouldn't get upset when they get told to knock it off.

The rules of the board - INCLUDING THE RULES ABOUT LINKS - are clearly posted and stickied to the top of the Newcomers area of the board.

If you don't read the rules, don't complain when you get reprimanded for not following them.
I guess I would be just as skeptical if someone selling weight loss pills or 'listen and lose weight' came on here and said the same stuff.

I'm willing to give you a chance to actually give information out instead of pushing Maddison's posts (a member who hasn't done anything for the community since..making me wonder his real modivation).'

this is all just my opinion though.
So you signed up specifically to bitch about the spamming rules?

I'm sure she did..

.... I would suggest that you follow the steps outlined in the 3 excellent posts in this forum from G Maddison. I am a hypnotherapist specialising in weight loss and have used similar techniques with great success over a 12 year period. Please ignore the cynical replies to the postings and try it for yourself. Completely free and you have nothing to lose, except that weight of course!

I'm guessing she's a friend of this GMaddison and thats why she signed up.
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I will debate the merit of her posts and her ideas. Let's not attack the person herself.

The idea that emotions is passed by DNA from cell to cell is a form of alternative medicine that is still not accepted by the majority of the medical community. While there are some studies that does support hypnosis, I believe pushing it here as a way to lose weight is poor form. Instead of teaching self hypnosis, spreading scientific information based in medical case studies is a better form.

If you do post information here and people has a different opinon, expect it along with linked proof.
Ok, ok, let's lighten up on the hyponotherapy bashing.

There are valid points to hypnosis and self-hypnosis. It's not all new-agey hype. Mental focus - however you achieve it - can be a useful tool in weight loss.

I've been hypnotized before (not in conjunction with weight loss, but as part of past counseling - yes with a licensed medical doctor's approval and recommendation) and it's pretty interesting and helped me deal with some issues in a productive manner.

Advertising is not allowed here. Discussion of alternate forms of help is.

Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.
I feel like I am under attack here but would just like to clear a few things up. I do not know who G Maddison is but posted a reply to him/her supporting what she/he had written and telling him/her of a similar thing that had happened to me years ago on a different forum. The link I used there went to a free PDF workbook which could not be reproduced in a typed posting. There were no links to anything to buy even if people wanted to.
Note A different forum. The comments against me re not reading the rules about links here are unjustified. I have not used any links on this forum.
The comments about "would I go into someone's home and hand out free brochures" er, no. But on a support forum where people are asking for help I would say "this has helped many people in your situation, maybe it might help you"
The fact that something is not recognised by the majority of the medical profession does not mean it is of no value.
Now you've got me, can't post proof if links aren't allowed!
As for the last post about "horseshit consultants" can't prove this because of client confidentiality and because I can't post links anyway. However I am a provider for both BUPA and the NHS.
I am not "pushing" hypnosis, merely writing about a way that might help. I don't understand why that is a problem or why some people find it necessary to be so rude.
Would I have received the same reaction if I hadn't said I was a hypnotherapist, but just posted that I lost weight with the help of a hypnotherapist.
I would just like to end by apologising to the people who are reading this thread seeking support for their weight loss, but finding this unhelpful debate going on instead. I hope you will understand that I have needed to defend myself, but won't be posting here again.
The fact that something is not recognised by the majority of the medical profession does not mean it is of no value.

they say the same about reflexology.

But, let's take a step back here. If you feel that your way is helpful. How about writing your own forum thread with what you would do and what others should do. If it is free as you said, then your work and advice should be given freely so please, start a thread with information to help people.
I do not know who G Maddison is but posted a reply to him/her supporting what she/he had written and telling him/her of a similar thing that had happened to me years ago on a different forum. The link I used there went to a free PDF workbook which could not be reproduced in a typed posting. There were no links to anything to buy even if people wanted to.

I am curious as to what exactly "happend" to GM that you are referring to?? You keep talking about having this thing in common and how it happend to you too. What are you talking about?? GM has not ever posted a link on the forum, nor has he ever recieved any kind of infraction. I believe in one of his three threads, we let him know that leaving links won't be allowed...but thats it. Nothing more. His last 2 threads were left without any kind of warning as he didn't leave a link. So I'm lost.
Really glad to see that this post generated so many comments both good and bad. Granted hypnosis is probably not for everybody but that does not mean that it does not offer any benefit when it comes to helping a person to lose weight.

Generally when people think about hypnosis it usually comes from what people have seen during a stage show. Therapy hypnosis is nothing like stage hypnosis and will not have you running round like a chicken (unless you want to), only kidding.

Jericho Wrote

But, let's take a step back here. If you feel that your way is helpful. How about writing your own forum thread with what you would do and what others should do. If it is free as you said, then your work and advice should be given freely so please, start a thread with information to help people.

I will take you up on that offer and offer my help to those people that would like to use some of the methods that I know work. That way if a person wants to join the post they can and if they don’t feel the information is any good they can just ignore the thread.

I will set a thread up now but please note that I will always do my best to respond to posts as soon as possible. With a full time practice and three boys it may not always be possible to reply that day but I will give an answer.
Now you've got me, can't post proof if links aren't allowed!
I feel like a broken record ... but did you actually READ THE RULES?

The rules say that links to RELIABLE sources in context of an ongoing discussion are allowed. It also says that brand new members need to have a minimum of 10 informative posts (not one liners or filler posts) in order to post links.

We do this to make sure that the people who are posting are genuine about wanting to help and not just spamming links.

Look, I'm not trying to be the bitchy moderator, but please ... don't come on the board and start talking about how awful it is to not be allowed to post links when you haven't bothered to read the rules. I'm getting really tired of people who come on to the board to complain about everything the mods do. None of us are paid for the time and effort we put in here. We try to make sure that the board stays useful, that its not overrun with spammers, and that people follow the rules.

If you disagree with that or with what we do, then contact the board admin. But don't just post over and over again how awful it is that you can't post links or how the mods are being unfair ... or whatever. (And I'm not talking just to you, Sue, but to everyone ... because believe me, we've heard it all.)
Folks, I'm actually going to close this thread as I think things will be better served if you go to this thread:


The original poster has opened a thread there dealing with questions and advice about hypnosis as it relates to weight loss.

The mods will be taking a watch over this thread to assure that it doesn't become a flaming ground. Keep the negativity away. Not everyone believes in it's use but hypnosis itself does have some scientific case studies behind it. Let's keep an open mind.
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