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In my last post to this site I taught you the second step of a three step self hypnosis process. So today I am going to be teaching you the third step of that process during which you will learn how to give yourself positive suggestions of change.
So what you need to do first in order to practice this method of self-hypnosis is to write a positive suggestion on a piece of paper. At the end of this post I will include some information about writing suggestions and also list a few suggestions that you can use.
So if you wanted to work on your motivation you may want to use the suggestion, “My motivation and determination to reach and to maintain my goal weight increases every day”.
Once you have a suggestion a piece of paper you will then get yourself in a nice comfortable position, just like you did when you practiced step two of this process. Then you will stare at a spot just above eye level but before you take your three deep breaths you will hold your suggestion up and read it to yourself three times slowly.
“My motivation and determination to reach and to maintain my goal weight increases every day”
“My motivation and determination to reach and to maintain my goal weight increases every day”
“My motivation and determination to reach and to maintain my goal weight increases every day”
Once you've then read the suggestion three times you'll then drop the piece of paper you are holding and stare at the spot you choose. Then you will take three deep breaths and on the third breath before you exhale you will mentally count backwards from three down to one. At the count of one you will then exhale that breath, mentally sat the word relax and allow your eyes to close.
At this point you'll then begin to mentally count backwards from 25 down to one just like you did during step two of this process. When you get good at getting into a nice relaxed state you can then begin to shorten this 25 down to 1 count. You may want to experiment and see what counting down from 20 to 1 does and then from 15 down to 1. Your aim should be to get so good at getting into a relaxed state that you can get there just by counting down from 10 to 1.
Once you have then counted backwards you will then do a process which is very similar to what you did during step one of this process. During step 1 you said the suggestion, ‘Every day in everyway I am getting better and better’ and you then put a mental movie to that suggestion.
The only diiference is that when you use this method the suggestion that you say to yourself will be the suggestion that you had written on your piece of paper. So you would say, ‘My motivation and determination to reach and to maintain my goal weight increases every day’.
Once you have then said the suggestion to yourself you would then make a mental movie based upon whatever that suggestion is that you're working on. So in this example you could imagine yourself preparing a healthy meal or stepping on the scales having reached your weight goal.
Once you've then imagined that mental movie you'll then repeat the suggestion again and then either use the same mental movie or a different one. You'll then repeat this process for roughly about five minutes or longer depending on time. Then you will count from 1 to 3 and allow your eyes to open.
How to Write Suggestions
When you give yourself a positive suggestion there is a certain way that you need to do it in order to get the results that you are after.
So the first thing you want to remember when you are writing a suggestion is that you do not want to use any negative words. Your subconscious mind does not understand negative words and will ignore them. So if you said to yourself, “I do not eat fatty foods”, your subconscious mind will ignore the word not and will only hear I eat fatty foods.
So to replace the negative you'd want to get rid of the word not and maybe say, “fatty foods disgust me”, or even better “I prefer the taste of healthy foods”.
The next thing to remember when you are writing a suggestion is to keep your suggestions positive. So if you was with me now and you said to me “I do not want to eat fatty foods”, I would ask you, “Well if don't want to eat fatty foods what do you want to eat instead”?
You may then say healthy foods. So that's what you would base your suggestion around. When you do this you are putting your thoughts on what you want and that’s important because your mind will always give you what you focus on. So the key to change is to focus on the things that you want in your life.
The next thing you want to remember when you are writing a suggestion is that you use the present tense. Your mind does not understand time; all your mind understands is what's now. So when you are writing a suggestion, write that suggestion as if that suggestion is true now. Now it may not be true but if you write the suggestions and say the suggestion as if it is true then your subconscious mind has to make change in order to make that a reality now.
So if you said to yourself, “I will eat healthily”, then its not going happen today because you are using the future tense. Your mind would hear the suggestion and think well it’s not happening now so I’ll just keep things as they are. So a much better alternative would be to say, “I am a healthy eater” or "I eat healthily".
I find it extremely easy to say no to unhealthy foods and yes to healthy foods.
I exercise on a regular basis and I love it.
I am in control of food.
I find that I feel full quickly when I am eating.
Three meals per day is more than enough for me.
I always eat slowly and taste my food.
I eat only at mealtimes, sparingly and properly.
I get full quickly.
My belief that I can and will reach my goals weight increases everyday.
Nothing, absolutely nothing is going to stop me from reaching my ideal weight.
I drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
My body is changing everyday because of the exercise that I do.
So what you need to do first in order to practice this method of self-hypnosis is to write a positive suggestion on a piece of paper. At the end of this post I will include some information about writing suggestions and also list a few suggestions that you can use.
So if you wanted to work on your motivation you may want to use the suggestion, “My motivation and determination to reach and to maintain my goal weight increases every day”.
Once you have a suggestion a piece of paper you will then get yourself in a nice comfortable position, just like you did when you practiced step two of this process. Then you will stare at a spot just above eye level but before you take your three deep breaths you will hold your suggestion up and read it to yourself three times slowly.
“My motivation and determination to reach and to maintain my goal weight increases every day”
“My motivation and determination to reach and to maintain my goal weight increases every day”
“My motivation and determination to reach and to maintain my goal weight increases every day”
Once you've then read the suggestion three times you'll then drop the piece of paper you are holding and stare at the spot you choose. Then you will take three deep breaths and on the third breath before you exhale you will mentally count backwards from three down to one. At the count of one you will then exhale that breath, mentally sat the word relax and allow your eyes to close.
At this point you'll then begin to mentally count backwards from 25 down to one just like you did during step two of this process. When you get good at getting into a nice relaxed state you can then begin to shorten this 25 down to 1 count. You may want to experiment and see what counting down from 20 to 1 does and then from 15 down to 1. Your aim should be to get so good at getting into a relaxed state that you can get there just by counting down from 10 to 1.
Once you have then counted backwards you will then do a process which is very similar to what you did during step one of this process. During step 1 you said the suggestion, ‘Every day in everyway I am getting better and better’ and you then put a mental movie to that suggestion.
The only diiference is that when you use this method the suggestion that you say to yourself will be the suggestion that you had written on your piece of paper. So you would say, ‘My motivation and determination to reach and to maintain my goal weight increases every day’.
Once you have then said the suggestion to yourself you would then make a mental movie based upon whatever that suggestion is that you're working on. So in this example you could imagine yourself preparing a healthy meal or stepping on the scales having reached your weight goal.
Once you've then imagined that mental movie you'll then repeat the suggestion again and then either use the same mental movie or a different one. You'll then repeat this process for roughly about five minutes or longer depending on time. Then you will count from 1 to 3 and allow your eyes to open.
How to Write Suggestions
When you give yourself a positive suggestion there is a certain way that you need to do it in order to get the results that you are after.
So the first thing you want to remember when you are writing a suggestion is that you do not want to use any negative words. Your subconscious mind does not understand negative words and will ignore them. So if you said to yourself, “I do not eat fatty foods”, your subconscious mind will ignore the word not and will only hear I eat fatty foods.
So to replace the negative you'd want to get rid of the word not and maybe say, “fatty foods disgust me”, or even better “I prefer the taste of healthy foods”.
The next thing to remember when you are writing a suggestion is to keep your suggestions positive. So if you was with me now and you said to me “I do not want to eat fatty foods”, I would ask you, “Well if don't want to eat fatty foods what do you want to eat instead”?
You may then say healthy foods. So that's what you would base your suggestion around. When you do this you are putting your thoughts on what you want and that’s important because your mind will always give you what you focus on. So the key to change is to focus on the things that you want in your life.
The next thing you want to remember when you are writing a suggestion is that you use the present tense. Your mind does not understand time; all your mind understands is what's now. So when you are writing a suggestion, write that suggestion as if that suggestion is true now. Now it may not be true but if you write the suggestions and say the suggestion as if it is true then your subconscious mind has to make change in order to make that a reality now.
So if you said to yourself, “I will eat healthily”, then its not going happen today because you are using the future tense. Your mind would hear the suggestion and think well it’s not happening now so I’ll just keep things as they are. So a much better alternative would be to say, “I am a healthy eater” or "I eat healthily".
I find it extremely easy to say no to unhealthy foods and yes to healthy foods.
I exercise on a regular basis and I love it.
I am in control of food.
I find that I feel full quickly when I am eating.
Three meals per day is more than enough for me.
I always eat slowly and taste my food.
I eat only at mealtimes, sparingly and properly.
I get full quickly.
My belief that I can and will reach my goals weight increases everyday.
Nothing, absolutely nothing is going to stop me from reaching my ideal weight.
I drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
My body is changing everyday because of the exercise that I do.