The Tabata System-It Works!


New member
ok guys, i have found a simple way for you to lose weight quickly, all you have to do is do this workout in the morning before eating breakfast.

first, i'll tell you about the Tabata system. it is simply doing an exercise for as many reps as you can in twenty seconds, then resting ten seconds. you should do this for a total of 8 sets.

the reason you should do this in the morning before eating is because you'll be tapping right into the fat stored in your body, plus you wont have anything solid throw up.

also, continue doing your normal workout, just do this early in the day.

heres a sample workout for you to try out:

monday-push ups & crunches

tuesday-triangles & thrusters


thursday-jumping jacks & crunches


by the way, doing a thruster is holding dumbells in each hand shoulder height, squating, and when you come up, extend the dumbells upward, bring them back down, and squat again. triangles are push-ups but with your hands closer together so that your hands should make the shape of a triangle.

also, don't switch between exercises, do one at a time or it wont be as effective.

for sprints you'll need a stop watch. just sprint as far as you can for twenty seconds, walk for ten, then repeat.

trust me people, this works. try it for a week and see if you like it. you don't have anything to lose, do you?
the reason you should do this in the morning before eating is because you'll be tapping right into the fat stored in your body

i've not seen a lot of hard evidence that fasted cardio is the way to go or that this statement is accurate.

You're also not talking about nutrition at all...

Nutrition is a critical factor -
I like Tabata Intervals as well. One thing to keep in mind though is that 20/10 intervals are to be performed at 100% intensity which is a lot to ask for lower fitness level people. They are like a HITT. Not so sure about the 1st thing in the morning tip. I would be wrecked for the day if I did Tabata 1st thing and I'm not sure of the added benefit you cited.

One thing that Steve advised me on Tabatas is to stick with simple things (sprinting, bike, jump rope) because the high intensity and fatigue will make it hard do ensure proper form on complex exercises.