Sport The no sweat burning method

Sport Fitness
Do you want to burn fat without exercising, here is what you do.

- Calculate your BMR
- Add a factor for the activity level and get the total calorie in take amount
- Get used to the calories
- Create a zig-zag
- Lose body fat

There are some other rules that need to be considered. These are related to the timing of calories and the type of calories you are taking in.
Breakfast - Low GI carbohydrates | Fiber | Slow Protein | Unsaturated fats
Snack - Protein | Unsaturated fats | Low or no carbohydrates
Lunch - Protein | Unsaturated fats | Low GI carbohydrates | Fiber
Snack - Protein | Unsaturated fats | Low or no carbohydrates
Snack 2 - Protein | Unsaturated fats | Low GI carbohydrates
Supper - Slow Protein | Unsaturated fats | Low or no carbohydrates

Never fill yourself up
Drink 8 – 12 glasses of water at least.
Supper needs to small and needs to be 2 – 3 hours before going to bed

Now let’s look at an example. My BMR is 1800 and I am just moderately active throughout the day. I add about 200 calories extra for the activity and finally coming to 2000 calories a day. This would be my maintenance level. Now I design a diet plan for myself taking into consideration the rules above and making sure I take in 2000 calories everyday. I continue with this for 2 weeks. This is to get my body to get used to and start running on 2000 calories.

After the two weeks, On Monday I take 2000 calories, but on Tuesday and Wednesday, I take in about 1200 – 1400 calories. I don’t skip any meals, I just reduce the portion size, ideally from the carbs. Just think about it, your body is used to running on 2000 calories, but for two days you create a deficit and making sure that you body knows that you are not in starvation as you will be eating 6 small meals and also at the very same time after the two days you go back to 2000 calories so your body remains used to the 2000 calories. The 600 calorie deficit that is produced needs to come from some where. You are controlling the cortisol by eating frequently; taking in low carbs so the only source left is FATS. So we are creating 4 x 600 calorie deficits a week, increasing metabolism and improving energy levels along with making sure that we take in all the nutrients. Make sense?

Shoot me with any questions.
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why wouldnt you want to exercise?
It's the newest trend in fitness: tell people what they want to hear. You don't need to do cardio, you don't need to exercise at all etc.
Thanks for the reply guy.

There are a number of people who want to lose weight but CANNOT exercise. I have had clients that have such severe joint problems due to their weight that any physical activity and they are out for a week. My dad is one of them. This method is a healthy and effective way to lose fat with no exercise. However, I tell you right now...I am not saying that you can get fit without any exercise but you certainly can lose extra fat to quite an extent. Why do we need to make it hard for people?

I lose 10kg in 2 months through exercise and proper diet. BUT NO TRADITIONAL CARDIO. The cardio that I did was through strength training circuits. These things got me fit as well. However, I am a serious believer of the fact that diet/nutrition is more important that exercise for fat loss, but you cannot get any where without exercise if your aim to get fit.
Your approach to nutrition is decent but you put off the impression that you want to promote laziness and your website.

Why do we need to make it hard for people?

The heart cannot get healthy if not conditioned properly.

How does one get a strong heart without cardio or some sort of effort?

You want your clients to be lazy and only keep healthy eating habits without having any exercise programs?

I understand that some might have joint problems but there are solutions to most problems.

I don't like your approach. :mad:
Why are you guys jumping on this like bulls? of course you can lose weight/fat without exercising, it's thermodynamics.

On the other hand, it is self advertising, since there is an url in the sig. I removed the signature. It's not a very big deal, since there weren't any flashing pictures saying "buy my stuff" on the site anyways, but it's not a good idea to have an url in your sig, unless it goes somewhere on this site, or you have cleared it with an admin.

Welcome to the site. I hope you stay!
Honestly I just figured he was spam. I was surprised he posted again in this thread!