The Night Before Halloween

Ok So I'm really feeling my age this morning...

Random discussion at the coffee machine...

When you were a kid, for some of you, that's not that long ago...

What did you call the night before halloween?
Goosey Night, Mischief Night, Cabbage Night, somethig else?

Did you go out and pull pranks on unsuspecting neighbors? TP some trees, shaving cream in a mailbox, rotten eggs??? what were your best pranks?

Some of the youngin's I work with - never heard of this tradition... Scandalous I say...
Cabbage Night and I never pulled pranks but a couple years ago kids
took all the pumpkins and smashed them in the streets and ect grrrrr
alll that carving to have someone smash it.
Smashing pumpkins isn't a prank -that's vandalism and Idon't understand why people thought that was good..

though i suppose thta shaving cream in a mailbox is also vandalism but no one really gets hurt with that
Yeah now thinking of it they are trespassing and stealing ect when they come onto your property and take something and smash it.
LOL my aunt is a great pranker or if ya wanna get someone back she recently took plastic wrap and wrapped her nephews car from top to bottom and when he went on his lunch break he was MADD lol get this he teaches physical education at school and several people watched her do it and said nothing lol he had it coming because he had her son take a mini tape player with complete silence taped on it for like 20 miues then he screamed at thetop of his lungs and her son put it under her bed hit play and when she dosed off she was awaken to the screaming lol!!I love them 2.....:rotflmao:
My generation called it Devil's Night, at least up here anyway. We egged houses a lot. It was a lot of fun. One time we were driving in my buddies van to do the egging. This was in high school and we were clearly too old to be doing this but that's besides the point. Anyway, my friend who was driving grabbed an egg and went to throw it at this house but instead of throwing it out of the window he hit the inside of the driver's door and egg went everywhere! It was absolutely hilarious because I wasn't the driver so I didn't end up with egg all over my face so to speak. That pretty much ended our mischief on Devil's night.

When our place gets hit with eggs or TP'd now on Devil's night, I shake my head and think how immature those kids are and then laugh at myself because I used to do the same thing.

I think it's all pretty harmless. It has been around my neighbourhood. Sure it's inconvenient to clean up but I think it's something that most of us did when we were kids.

It was called 'Mischief Night' back when I was a young'un. I never went out on it, nor would I allow my kids to do it either.

There's "fun" and there's "vandalism". Mischief Night is just vandalism at its worst (and poor neighboring at its not-worst).
