Ok So I'm really feeling my age this morning...
Random discussion at the coffee machine...
When you were a kid, for some of you, that's not that long ago...
What did you call the night before halloween?
Goosey Night, Mischief Night, Cabbage Night, somethig else?
Did you go out and pull pranks on unsuspecting neighbors? TP some trees, shaving cream in a mailbox, rotten eggs??? what were your best pranks?
Some of the youngin's I work with - never heard of this tradition... Scandalous I say...
Random discussion at the coffee machine...
When you were a kid, for some of you, that's not that long ago...
What did you call the night before halloween?
Goosey Night, Mischief Night, Cabbage Night, somethig else?
Did you go out and pull pranks on unsuspecting neighbors? TP some trees, shaving cream in a mailbox, rotten eggs??? what were your best pranks?
Some of the youngin's I work with - never heard of this tradition... Scandalous I say...