The new guy

Hello guys hows it goin, i know i posted saying new to it all, but am not really THAT new ....worked out off and on the last 6 years but uhm supplement wise yes a bit iguess i mean ive taked whey and glutamine and such ... tried creatine .. but never really done anything, just the "top 3" or what i know as the top 3. ANYWAYS so my gym, which i will not name due to certain reasons has offered me this wicked deal which i am so tempted to take and not completely sure of it .... so ill ask you guys about it ! but first ill tell you about myself, im 20y/o 6'1, 248, LARGE structure ... and a FB or football running back ... very active in the sport sense, also i have a fruit farm so ... ive been active all my life so anyways here is what i was offered :

$100 for the following 2 months worth of :

Syntrax Guggul
Animal Pack
ESA Meal rep bars
Xyience XM2
Xyience Xelerate
oh and somthing called uhm ..... CAL ? i think ?? or LCA ? i cant remember ....

reason being these companies want my gym to supply their brands for the people there but need a guinnie pig of some sort .....
MYSELF i think its a bit much ... i mean the glutamine, meal rep bars and animal pack are just vitamins and such ... but the other stuff ... idk isnt a bit much ? would this kill my liver to "stack" this .... or what ?

my goal is to shed some pounds but not a ton being that i have to large but still quick, so id like to pack on somemore muscle ...

Thanks a ton guys
None of those are worth using man. NONE.
Animal Pak is just crappy, expensive vitamins and 'pro hormones' that don't work (the FDA banned everything that did work about 3-4 years ago)
anything Xyience or Syntrax is just overpriced and full of marketing hype that won't deliver.
glutamine is useless for us. Its great for burn patients, cancer and AIDS patients, but not strength, endurance or bodybuilder trainees.

meal bars are crap in general unless you make them yourself.

the last one is probably CLA. it may or may not be useful, and either way its a hell of a lot cheaper to buy it online.

your gym just wants to make money off you.

the supps that do work (doesn't mean you NEED them) are:
protein powder
micronized creatine monohydrate with creapure stamp on the label
a good daily multivitamin
fish oil caps

everything else out there that's legal either doesn't have real scientific evidence to back up the claims (like NO2 products, glutamine, almost any testosterone/hormone booster) or just plain doesn't work.

with $100 to burn I'd buy 2-3 tubs of quality whey or whey + casien powder and 500g of creatine, and shell out another $10 for vitamin and fish oil. that'll last 2 months, and work.
Agree 100% with Malkore.

Also its either you want to shed pounds or build muscle. Doing them at the same time will bring slow results, and may discourage you from staying on it.

I would suggest bulking for a set goal time period.. then cut for set goal time period. It will bring better results. Good luck.
well one thing too is this is 100 canadian so roughly 80 usd ?? i think ? idk, i mean i couldnt get everything that i can get here for nearly 100 .... so thats the only reason i ask is, that is so cheap that i mean ... even if it doesnt do much for me ... its just cheap haha but, if its a waste then definately wont do it .. so basically this stuff is for sheding AND gaining ??

one question then, you said i should gain first right ? reason being that when gainning the more muscle is going to help me cut better in the end ? vs cutting and then not having any fat to have the muscle feed on right
really ..... so i guess its not such a great deal .... ive never found any supplements THAT cheap ...