the NA vegitarian strikes again

the NA vegetarian strikes again

First, this is on no way meant to offend anyone who is a vegetarian, I respect that you don't want to eat meat, it's fine by me, but just don't turn into this guy.

NA (new age) is a browser game I play, forums are crazy, this thread got my intrest:

MEAT IS BAD FOR YOU. So I decided to take my protest on NA this time (lmao) to the next level.. by copying the entire post from a website (wew that took a while) and posting it here and editing it a bit. Good luck reading. For people who are lazy readers, edit: actualy.. just deal with it.. NA codes suck.

1. They are difficult to digest; More energy is required to digest meat than can be obtained from the meat. This wears out the protein digestive organs, and leads to stressful indigestion.

2. The body's attempt to rid itself of the excess protein congests the liver and overworks the kidneys which have to expel the excess nitrogen through urine. People with kidney disease are urged to eat low protein diets. Perhaps eating a low protein diet to begin with would PREVENT kidney disease. Excessive protein consumption is also linked to Urinary disease, Renal cancer and Lymphosarcoma.

3. Animal source proteins are not a real food - they are missing some of the ingredients of real food.

4. Animal proteins contain inorganic acids which are TOXIC to humans. Only modest amounts of animal protein have been found to result in cancerous tumors in animal studies. Moreover, human studies also support this carcinogenic effect of animal protein, even at usual levels of consumption. In my view, no chemical carcinogen is nearly so important in causing human cancer as animal protein.

5. Meat is high in fat. A high fat diet, which means eating relatively large amounts of meat, dairy products, and fried foods, is the main cause of arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, stroke, certain forms of cancer, and obesity. (not good).

6. The artificial hormones, steroids, and other chemicals injected or fed to the animal to make them grow faster/bigger/healthier (healthier?) don't do us humans any good at all; they are toxic.

7. The U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC), Enteric Diseases Branch, has concluded that subtherapeutic(WTF?) amounts of antibiotics added to animal stock feed have subsequently caused animals to develop highly resistant strains of bacteria (mutant forms of E. coli and others) which are then passed on for human consumption in all meat products. In fact it's estimated that 20-25 percent of all bacterial illnesses (and perhaps 50% of all food poisoning) in the U.S. stem directly from antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria and the consumption of meats.
The response of the European Economic Community to the routine feeding of antibiotics to U.S. livestock (55% of all antibiotics used in the US) was to BAN the importation of U.S. meat. So the answer to the question: "What's for Dinner?" is: Antibiotics, Steroids, Pesticides, DDT, Dieldrin, bacteria and Cholesterol. . . . . . . . . Yum!

Take a piece of steak. Cut it open and the juice runs out right? and it's nice and juicey and tender looking? We know that the red fluid is BLOOD, right? and you dunk your bread in it. There is a clear fluid there some of it is fat, and water, but one of the main components of that clear fluid is uric acid...(cow pee). And you dunk your bread in it....why do you do that?

By the way, the old advice that your hamburger is safe if it's brown in the middle is WRONG. Unless you want to feed your family raw E. coli bacteria, you should use a digital meat thermometer, and be certain the interior of the hamburger is 160 degrees F. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in January 99 that the DEATH TOLL from tainted meat {do click on this one} from just one plant has risen to 12 people. If you would like to see a list of some of the more recent meat recalls click here

Also see where the FDA is now OK'ing diseased meat for sale in a supermarket near you.

OK, I'll just eat CHICKEN:

30 to 50% of supermarket chickens are contaminated with salmonella (which can survive microwave cooking). Almost 100% contain campylobacter pathogens; look that one up!

One day just PULL THE PLUG on your freezer, but don't open it for three to five days. When you open the door it will smell. The stink you smell is the smell of death. Your Freezer is sealed pretty well isn't it? Nothing can get in or out when the door is closed, but you will not be alone in the room. In your freezer will be maggots and worms. Where did they come from? The maggots and the worms were in the meat! and you EAT them....Why do you do that.?
Vegetable source proteins are good for us, easy to digest, and can supply all our nutritional needs.

BUT when you eat meat, the body regards most of it as a toxin, so it depletes the immune system to get the enzymes to try & handle the problem, steals calcium (osteoporososis) from the tissues and bones to neutralize the phosphoric acid, and speeds up the metabolism to rid itself of this junk...why do you do that?

Is it worth it? is TASTE your overriding concern?

Do you live to eat ?


do you eat to live?

Most Americans live to eat. They are controlled by a six inch long organ.
If you identify with that, (your tongue, silly!) you may want to re-think your priorities in life.
Pound for Pound, hamburgers cost more than new cars, so give up hamburgers and get a new car instead!.
Oh and by me-be nicer to the animals .


Goergen, hope you don't mind, I took the liberty of referring him to your site :D
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This is why I tend to not like some vegetarians. Some, not all of them, will shove it in your face why they think they're better than the normal omnivorous people. the truth of the matter is, ALL foods have their positives and negatives. We all know that relying on excessive amounts of soy based products is not good for the body. There are people, that for religious, moral, or special health reasons, do not eat meat, and that's absolutely fine. But when the sole purpose is for "health" the logic there is quite faulty. The "healthier than thou" approach of some vegetarians really puts me off. What's so healthy about denying your body of essential nutrients if your body can function normally when eating animal products? Yes, you can still get protein from nuts and beans, but it's very difficult. Choosing vegetarianism is a very difficult path with very little, if any, health benefit. Vegetarianism done wrong is actually very dangerous.

Here's just a funny way I think of these limited diet labels:

Vegetarians: Cool if you're into animal rights. You don't eat meat, but you still eat eggs and milk products. A nice balanced diet can be achieved.

Vegans: they don't eat any product that comes from an animal. It's very difficult to get a balanced diet with enough protein, and incredibly difficult to get certain nutrients. I know some people can do it, so more power to them.

Raw Vegans: They're vegans, but they do not eat any food that has been cooked in any way. I really can't understand this, or why on Earth it would be considered healthy. This is basically how rabbits eat. We're humans, not rabbits.

Fruitarians: This is where it gets very silly. Fruitarians believe it is healthiest to survive on raw fruit alone. Now, its even better if the fruit was gathered off the ground after it has been shed off the tree. The act of plucking the fruit off of the tree damages the tree's self esteem and violates it's rights as a living being. (Okay, I got carried away there) Anyway, some fruitarians do not eat any seeds or choose to eat only fruits that allow seeds to be dropped. Interfering with the plant's natural reproductive process is considered sinful.

Breatharians: Now, this is crazy. The breatharians believe that humans do not have the right to interfere with any other living being, plant, animal, fungus, whatever, to seek nourishment. They believe that energy can come from the air we breathe and the sun rays we soak up. Needless to say, most breatharians die shortly after they adopt the new lifestyle due to "starvation". At least they died with a noble cause in mind. They didn't kill any plants or animals for those few weeks as their bodies wasted away.

So, you get the idea. Some of these diets, or lack thereof, can get pretty out of hand. There is no one "right" way to eat. Sure there are plenty of "wrong" ways to eat, but a balanced diet that includes meat or animal products is not "unhealthy" or "wrong". I say, if you really love animals or your body is animal protein intolerant, then vegetarianism is the best choice for YOU. It doesn't mean it's the best choice for everyone else though.

there, send this to your NA guy and see what he thinks! :)
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wow i so didnt know that meat stressed out my digestive system. Thanks to that guy for clearing it all up for me.

GAWD I couldnt last a day without having a serving of steak chicken turkey etc. Go meat.
wow i so didnt know that meat stressed out my digestive system. Thanks to that guy for clearing it all up for me.

GAWD I couldnt last a day without having a serving of steak chicken turkey etc. Go meat.

Yeah, that guy was pretty messed up. I feel bad for him. He's probably pretty unhealthy. I imagine his insane rants about how horrible meat is causes more stress on his digestive system than meat itself.
Goergen, hope you don't mind, I took the liberty of referring him to your site

:yelrotflmao:I am sure that will go over well. :yelrotflmao:

It is difficult to express (in terms acceptable to most) the seething hatred I have for vegetarian activists. So I will not go into a rant at this time. :D
Sometimes I wonder just how weak do people think the human body is.

We better....
sanitize the crap out of our entire environment,
take 16 medicines the second we sneeze,
cut out all foods that might upset our oh so delicate digestive system,
avoid the color yellow,
only eat foods that start with with the letter F during a full moon....

OR WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:
Yeah, we have kind of survived and beat the hell out of most other living things on this planet, I think it's time we gave ourselves some credit