Sport The Miracle supplement..... NOT!

Sport Fitness
I accidentally came across this "miracle supplement" and I couldn't stop laughing for around 10 minutes! :rofl:
It's called Anabolic c9-t11
The product is some kind of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid).
They promise you'll gain up to 20 pounds in 1 month!

Here's some of the promises they make:

Now, in less than a month you can naturally gain up to 20 pounds of
pure muscle without resorting to dangerous and illegal steroids. Yes, it's
true... at least 20 POUNDS of natural, rock-solid muscle without
steroids. You're probably thinking "it's too good to be true"... But recent
scientific research along with hundreds of real-life testimonials prove these
remarkable anabolic muscle-building benefits.

After many years of research, scientists are now able to extract the
anabolic agent conjugated linoleic acid from safflower. This nutrient
is proven in scientific research to carry extremely potent anabolic effects.

This is the part that really cracked me up:

"After just one month of using this breakthrough supplement, your friends
will not be able to recognize you. Your chest and biceps muscles will swell
so big they'll most probably split your shirt seams. Beautiful women will
take notice of you and will be begging to be with you, to be able to
feel your new muscular physique. A new nationwide survey showed that
98.7% of women are MORE sexually attracted to men with well-built,
muscular bodies.

What a scam :) , here's the whole thing

"If you don't pack on at least 20 lbs of raw, solid muscle
within 30 days, simply send back your empty bottle and we will give
you a full refund... no questions asked. You have absolutely nothing to
lose! (Obviously, we feel very certain this amazing muscle builder will work
for you, or we wouldn't even make an offer like this because we'd lose tons
of money!)" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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