the maasai warriors

I was reading Dan Browns famous Da Vinci Code

i was on chapter 43 when there was this reference to the Maasai warriors

it refers to them as
"the African tribe famous for their ability to rise from the deep sleep to a state of total battle readiness in a matter of seconds"

the chapter introduces this character 'Andre Vernett' who has apparently modelled his sleep habbits after the maasai warriors

i tried to run a research on the Maasai warriors over the internet but didnt find anything significant quench my curiosity :mad:

does any body have any idea about the sleep habits of the maasai or any link relating to the topic
Da Vinci code is so full of bull**** to even think that people actually believe garbage like that is fooolish and dont even get me started on C.S lewis' "Great Divorce" but anyways I to have heard that about those African Tribal warriors. I think the famous book "Spartan Warrior Regime" has info on that.
Well, one wakes up pretty pissed and battle ready when someone or something interrupts one in the middle of sleeping, wouldn't you agree?
Actually, although a lot of Brown's stuff may sound like bull **** and conspiracy theories, a lot of what he writes in there is true. He apparently spends years researching to prepare his books, and I had known about several "secrets" or "conspiracies" he discussed before reading the book.

But anyway, back to the topic, one of my old teachers and also a family friend is a member of the masaii tribe, so I know quite a bit about them. While I've never heard exactly what you're talking about, the masaii are very skilled warriors that learn to both defend themselves in basically any situation at a very young age. They develop instincts very early that help them "sense" danger (which may be sort of what you're talking about.) Another interesting thing is that one of their hunting techniques includes covering their body in mud (as a camouflage) and moving so slowly towards their target that you wouldn't know they were moving unless you plotted their progress. Now THAT'S insane body control.
true enough i had a first refreshment of christian history when i read that book
ha ha i always wondered about the mystery behind Da Vinci last supper until i read the book

anyway coming to the topic of massai warriors
i first had a glimpse of this in pavels discription of his videos where he makes a statement like waking up to the dawn in full fighting form or somethin like that.

anyway i just fancied that;
thanks for that info