Sport The lesser of 2 evils?

Sport Fitness
Just curious to get some peoples' opinions. Most of us have our days where we stray from our diets. Which is worse...going over your calorie limits for the day but eating healthy; or eating not so healthy but staying within your calorie range for the day? Obviously this applies more to people cutting or trying to lose weight but it could go for others as well.
Unhealthy but within calorie range.
When cutting..... hmmm. My answer would depend on how much over the calorie range you went, and what you mean by "healthy".

Same would go for what types of foods you mean by "unhealthy".

I guess in general I would agree with Phate and say eating bad but within your calorie range...
unhealthy: burger and fries. beers and wings.

over the calorie limit: say by 500 calories over your maintenance levels.

Not saying I did either of these...but curious to see which is deemed worse.
what do you think of as worse, if you eat healthy lets say extra protein or complex carbs and you had a good lifting schedule most of it would be stored as muscle with a small % of fat, if u were under mantenance and ate burgers and fries you would lose a small % of fat and probably a greater % of muscle so which ever you think is better btwn the two.
I thought u mean health as in fruit and veges, anyway, eating healthier is better.