The Journey


New member
I have decided, like many of you, to start a diary of my daily process. I have never done anything like this before, but I hope seeing my trials and challenges, along with (hopefully) my weight loss, it will motivate me through this Journey. I really would like my weight loss as a challenge, but not as a burden, or something that i HAVE to do, in order to feel good about myself. I hope I will have interesting experiences within this new phase of my life. If anyone has any comments, feel free to post!!!

Week One Update:
1. Increased water intake to about 2L a day.
2. Exercised 6 times this week, for about forty minutes each time.
3. Attempted portion controlling meals.

1. Energy "binging" at mid-afternoon.
2. Over consumption of Alcohol. (however, it was a celebration, and is a once-in-a-year occasion)
3. Eating too many unhealthy carbs and fat.

1. More Dairy, especially milk. Protien during the mid afternoon "binge" time may stop my snacking.
2. Breaking up my 40-50 minute exercises into 2 20-25 minute ones.
3. Try to get more fiber.

If anyone else has any suggestions, please post!!!
Welcome to the forum pepper. Just wanted to say it sounds like a good start. I'll be checkin in to see how you're doing. Good luck on your journey. :p
Hi Pepper and welcome to the forum

It's always nice to have a plan in place, and able to tweak it as you need to! Coming here and setting goals is a great way to start :D

I have found the best way to help my binging desires, is to eat about every two hours. If I don't, by 4:00-5:00 I'll go nuts!

I don't drink milk, so I personally would find other options for the snacking during that time. Perhaps a yogurt, some apple & cheese. Etc.

Good luck and again, welcome to the forum!
Welcome, Pepper. Sounds like a good plan to me. I know what you mean about this change becoming a burden. I was just thinking about that today. I am heading into my 3rd week of paying attention to what I am putting in my mouth and I was thinking about how time consuming it is with the calorie counting, the meal prep and the constant vigilance. I was hoping it all gets easier and it just becomes routine---then I decided that it will. If you do something all the time everyday, it becomes difficult to remember when you didn't do it. Glad you started a diary. Good Luck.
Oh, excellent point Pineola! If we do this long enough (and losing weight takes a long time), that time will give us the skills and preparation we need so that when we do reach our goals, we can stay there!
Hello, Pepper :)

Good plan! Usually all plans are good if we able to follow them. ;)

I just wanted to say couple words about the drinks. Execpt coffee, tea, water, and sometimes juices, I do not drink other drinks. I am trying to loose weight counting calories, therefore I efface all drink with calories. I do not drink milk also except when I really I want it. I reasoning in that way: milk has calories, but after cup of milk I do not feel satiety, so why I have to drink such stuff. Instead I can drink tea of coffe (both without sugar) with or example some fruits or black bread with curd.

Good look realising your plan, see you later. :)
Good call on breaking your exercise into 2 segments a day. You will benefit more from making this commitment than one long work out. ;)
Thank you all for the Comments!! I appreciate them.

Although I have cut out "bad" dairy products and began eating low calorie/low fat cheeses and yougurts, milk is an absolute must in my diet. My family has a history of osteoporosis , and unfortunately, I do not eat much meat, so I need milk basically for protien. However, I have changed from 2 percent to 1 percent milk, and drink only about 3 glasses a day, instead of the "usual" 5 or 6 glasses.