Sport The healthiest and best foods list!

Sport Fitness
Alright people. Since there seem to be a whole lot of people asking what is good to eat, and what isn't, I thought why not have everyone pitch in and make a very extensive list. This way, it keeps the forum from getting too bulky. We could even make it a sticky if it work's out. You can even argue over wether or not some foods are good or not.

I'll do breakfast foods

-Bulgur wheat
-Oatmeal ( less processed the better)
-Oat bran
-Cracked wheat
-Whole wheat bread
-Whey Isolate (can be taken at break fast or whenever)
Sesame/pumpkin/flax/sunflow seeds
Spinach (raw)
Sweet potatoes
Bananas (raw)
Carrots (raw/juiced)
Apples (including skin/raw)
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Healthy dinner:

Steamed broccoli
Steamed pumkin
Raw carrot
Mashed potatoe (without butter and use only skim or light milk)
And self BBQ'ed chicken breast

:D Tastey and healthy..thats my dinner
Check this site out.. it is how I got started.