it is humorous to watch em between sets also.
You have your basic kinds.
1. The overachiever - This guy/gal is really pumped about working out, he/she does way too much cardio, way too many sets, eats way too little, drops a ton of weight really quick, then a month later, is back to eating Big Macs topped with chili cheese fritos smothered in sausage gravy.
2. The "well if I have to" guy/gal - This guy/gal is being forced to go to the gym (either by his significant other or the doctor) and really doesn't wanna be there. He blows through his machines, does 10 minutes on the treadmill at 1.5 mph... then goes to domino's and gets a pizza.
3. The "woah, look at all the hawt chicks" guy, or the pervert. He stands around in a tank top and shorts, flab hanging all over the place, all hes interested in doing is "spotting" all the good looking females in the place. This guy isn't just new at the gym during the new year, but they always exist.
We get the same thing in the dojo. We get a lot more new students in the winter months, but the first time they work out in the heat of summer, or get hit really hard, they normally quit. I started MA in december with about 12 other people at my rank. there are 5 of us left.