The genetic architecture of changes in adiposity during adulthood


Respected Member
Not yet peer reviewed, but it should be soon and I think well worth reading. Here is a quote I particularly appreciated:

The heritability of body mass index (BMI) is estimated to be 40%–70%, and genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have implicated over 1,000 independent loci associated with a range of obesity traits.

I have long believed my problems are due to inheriting more genes that favor overeating than most people. This paper indicates that is at least a possibility. Those genes would have been of benefit to my ancestors in food scarce times, not so much today. Doesn't mean I shouldn't continue to find a way to live with it... I will. Giving up is not an option.
Thanks for the article, Rob. I'm fairly sure I share most of my father's genetic traits, including struggling with my weight. I have always thought that genetics plays a huge part. I'll have a good read tomorrow. Cheers, Cate.