Weight-Loss The fat in tuna?



New member
so I started to eat meat again and after I lift weights I need protein. So is it bad to get a trace amount of saturated fat in tuna? Thats the only fats I eat it's from tuna and lean meats. I really dont get too much mono or poly fats if I do it's from another healthy source. Anywho I don't eat much fats just mostly proteins and complex carbs.
Tuna fish

I love tuna fish!

I think there are many healthy ways to eat it, and I am not too worried about any fats it might have. I buy mine in water not oil, and I add non-mayonaise condiments to it to add a little bit more flavor. It is such a versatile food!
Do spend time reading the stickied threads around the forum -they're there for your benefit and to help educate...

Fat isn't evil... and shouldn't be completely dropped from your diet