Sport the evil Beer

Sport Fitness
why are you blaming beer?

I drink beer all the time, I enjoy beer, I brew beer, I consume beer on a regular basis, but I don't drink it to get drunk...

don't blame beer, all you need is self control.
Beer every now and then is great. But I'm lucky that I don't have the motivation of becoming alcoholic because each time I notice I need more drinks to get drunk then I stop liking alcohol.

Maybe you can remember that the less often you drink beer, the less beer you have to ingest to get drunk.
Saves a lot of carbs.
You want to be scared out of drinking beer..

One day you could assume 1 to many, and you wont really know what your doing. You decide to go dont call a cab or a friend you decide to drive, on the way you have a disturbing accident. You kill a preganet mom and a little 3 year old boy, and you end up living, but you break your spike, you have to live the rest of your live permanetly crippled and knowing you killed a family that wasnt doing anything.(This happend to my older brothers family, the bitch that hit them is serving a life sentence, shes permanetly crippled)

It makes you fat to..

Get self control
Seriously though, beer isn't evil, excess is evil. I drink a few beers every weekend as a treat for all the hard work I have put in at the gym all week long. But, I don't drink excessively.

Mind you, its easy for all of us to say "self control, self control!" I wonder if I would be saying the same thing if you were offering to buy me more beer after I'd already had a few - lol
exess of everything is bad. Beer is no exception. You can enjoy it now and then, just set a limit and keep at it. On your own, that's pretty tough indeed. So be the safe driver; then you have no choice but to drink very little. Or tell your friends and family and ask them to help you. One warning comment from them when your going downhill helps more than you'd think.

And ofcourse your wallet: that thing is the one suppossed to get a belly, not you!

And ofcourse: don't buy so much of it. If you have little of it in the house, you're less tempted to drink so much (okay this isn't much of a help in parties and cafés...)

For reasons why getting drunk isn't what you want to be:
1: Hangovers. Need I say more?
2: you do know that everytime you get drunk, a lot of braincells are damaged, which CANNOT and WILL NOT repair themselves.
3: The ever so feared Beer belly: not something girls will flock at
4: your liver get's ruined in the long term
5: drunk drivers are a danger to others and not completely uninportant: to themselves. A lot of caraccidents are caused by this.

Need some more, ring a bell ;)
My father was killed while he was driving drunk. I sang karoake around my co-workers while drunk...two things that never should have happened, all because of alcohol.

I could probably come up with a lot more, but those 2 come to mind.
i scrape ppl off the road, and extract them from cars mangled bc of drinking and driving. a part of my job that i wish would go away. alcohol and motor vehicles have no place with each other. the flash backs are not nice..
Uh, guys...the poor guy just wanted some encouragement to not consume beer as much. Y'all have resorted to lecturing about the horrors of drinking and driving, making him seem like a drunk constantly at the wheel ready to plow down old ladies and innocent children.

So, bro...a couple here and there on a weekend night at the house is okay. But hey, if you don't want to drink then don't don't need us to tell you that.
Well said evolution, how did this become to do with drinking and driving? We don't even know if he has a car!!

I think we all agree that drinking & driving is irresponsible and dangerous.

Beer on the other hand tastes kind of nice...
The fact that you think you need to be scared out of ever drinking beer again because you view your own control over your ability to abstain from drinking when necesary to be nonexistant (despite what I'm assuming is a pattern of alcohol-induced indiscretions) should be scary in itself, no?