exess of everything is bad. Beer is no exception. You can enjoy it now and then, just set a limit and keep at it. On your own, that's pretty tough indeed. So be the safe driver; then you have no choice but to drink very little. Or tell your friends and family and ask them to help you. One warning comment from them when your going downhill helps more than you'd think.
And ofcourse your wallet: that thing is the one suppossed to get a belly, not you!
And ofcourse: don't buy so much of it. If you have little of it in the house, you're less tempted to drink so much (okay this isn't much of a help in parties and cafés...)
For reasons why getting drunk isn't what you want to be:
1: Hangovers. Need I say more?
2: you do know that everytime you get drunk, a lot of braincells are damaged, which CANNOT and WILL NOT repair themselves.
3: The ever so feared Beer belly: not something girls will flock at
4: your liver get's ruined in the long term
5: drunk drivers are a danger to others and not completely uninportant: to themselves. A lot of caraccidents are caused by this.
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