The effects of Passive Smoking


New member
Passive smoking is the inhalation of smoke from tobacco used by others. As you know LINK REMOVED is dangerous. Equally dangerous are the after-effects of Passive Smoking. Passive smoking generally occurs in public places, but it is also seen at residences. The other common places where passive smoking is seen are during sporting events, concerts and social gatherings. Now many states have banned smoking in public places and have provided separate areas for smoking.

The immediate effects of passive smoking are eye irritation, headache, cough, sore throat, dizziness and nausea. It also leads to development of asthma in people continuously exposed to passive smoking and the lung function in existing asthma patients can also significantly reduce. The coronary blood flow is decreased in people exposed to smoking even for a short duration of 30 minutes. Non-smokers exposed to continuous smoking are at an increased risk of developing heart diseases and lung cancer. Passive smoking causes respiratory disease, cot death, middle ear disease and asthmatic attacks in children over a long term. The non-smokers with a history of respiratory disease are subjected to acute irritation in the upper and lower respiratory tracts. Research has proven that asthma patients suffer from acute after-effects of exposure to smoke. A moderate increase in the rate of lung cancer is shown by statistics.

Children, whose parents smoke, are subjected to increased chances of developing respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia and bronchitis. They are also likely to develop reduced lung function and symptoms of respiratory irritation like wheezing, cough and excess phlegm.

Smokers should realize that they are not only spoiling their heath but also that of the people around them.
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