i've never understood the fascination some females have with johnny depp - he's so greasy looking... and i never noticed how skinny he was... give that boy a hamburger...
in all sincerity -personality does it for me - intelligence, ability to make me laugh, and the ability to open doors - while i am capable of doing it myself -it's nice ot know that chivalry is still alive and well.II don't care too much for the muscley type.So what's your ideal guy hottness?
mickey rourke in 9 1/2 weeks.. but it was more tha character than him - but that's long gone... drugs and booze killed that fantasy..however, all sean connery would have to do is read the phone book to me and it'd be all good... voices do more for me thanwhat they look like..
Ok check the EYES!!!!
"You HAVE to choose one of the next two options. It isn't even a life or death option, you are compelled by God and there is NO chance to resist. You either have to:
a) Make out with Rosie O'Donnell
b) Make out with David Beckham
What would you do?
Funny story:
This summer I worked on a construction crew, 14 guys including our foreman. One 60 year old, one 45 year old, but mostly guys in their 20's. The question was posed to them:
"You HAVE to choose one of the next two options. It isn't even a life or death option, you are compelled by God and there is NO chance to resist. You either have to:
a) Make out with Rosie O'Donnell
b) Make out with David Beckham
What would you do?
The results? Well our foreman was a 50 year old greek guy who barely speaks English (but is hellishly good with concrete), so we didn't ask him. Beckham won 10-3. Hah. For the record I voted for Beckham.