The dogs are growling and I can't go outside....

Great....My hubby calls me from work...

HIM: "Don't go outside!"

ME: "eh?" :confused:

HIM: "don't take the dogs out either..."

ME: "We'll they ain't pooping in the house, so I'm gonna have to..."

HIM: "Wait till I get there...I'll be home in 5 minutes!"

ok, I'm thinking wtf?????

he gets home and tells me....

"There is a cougar 2 blocks away (south). It was just spotted a few minutes ago. Another one was seen by the high school (about 1 1/2 blocks north)"

Great..... Cougars in the neighborhood... Anyone up for a hunt???? :D
Nothing a .357 jhp wouldn't take care of.
Great....My hubby calls me from work...

HIM: "Don't go outside!"

ME: "eh?" :confused:

HIM: "don't take the dogs out either..."

ME: "We'll they ain't pooping in the house, so I'm gonna have to..."

HIM: "Wait till I get there...I'll be home in 5 minutes!"

ok, I'm thinking wtf?????

he gets home and tells me....

"There is a cougar 2 blocks away (south). It was just spotted a few minutes ago. Another one was seen by the high school (about 1 1/2 blocks north)"

Great..... Cougars in the neighborhood... Anyone up for a hunt???? :D

Awesome. I spent a good deal of time around bobcats, cougars, snapping turtles, etc
Awesome. I spent a good deal of time around bobcats, cougars, snapping turtles, etc

Sure except I have let the yard go (an acre) and the house is surrounded with 4' high weeds and hiding for a cougar....

The dogs seem to have sensed it, they have been growling for a few nights and I couldn't figure out why... also there were many calls of missing animals in this area recently with none of them showing up. Guess we know why... :(

I know my rottie wouldn't hesitate to charge if she felt we were in danger. Brains she hasn't....brave she obviously no match for a cougar.

We have had bear in the past, but the cougars don't usually come so close to the more developed areas......
Cougar isn't gonna hurt ya. But I'm sure it would make a nice meal out of those dogs.

They have made a good meal of at least a half a dozen animals here in the last week :eek: Mine will not be outside alone and they only go out together. I think a cougar wouldn't mess with two rotties.
They have made a good meal of at least a half a dozen animals here in the last week :eek: Mine will not be outside alone and they only go out together. I think a cougar wouldn't mess with two rotties.

A full grown cougar would take those dogs no problem. You take them out you better have the 12 gauge handy.............with slugs
A full grown cougar would take those dogs no problem. You take them out you better have the 12 gauge handy.............with slugs

Well hell! what am I suppose to do? I got to let them out...maybe I need to call the landscape people and have them weed my yard! .....LOL

At least then we'd have a head start! :D
Well hell! what am I suppose to do? I got to let them out...maybe I need to call the landscape people and have them weed my yard! .....LOL

At least then we'd have a head start! :D

Tell that husband of yours you're not making those brownie fudge sundaes until he cuts the grass and bare-handedly kills the cougars while wearing a spotted loin cloth.
He does that.....oh wait... that just role playing.... ;)

now don't be getting him confused with your doll.;)