The Biggest Loser is annoying

Why does it have to be so dramatic all the time? It's a show about people losing weight FFS! By the way the host talks you'd think their preparing for a fight or something, or that that their life or career is on the line. I just can't buy into this overdramatization. Eliminations and weigh ins take an eternity with all the BS they c rap on about...This video justifies what i'm on about and if you can't be bothered watching the whole thing than i don't blame you at all.

Why do they need such a long explanation for their vote? If it was me on the show, i'd make it as short as possible, if not for me but to spare the people at home watching it so they don't have to listen to my BS rambling. I can't stand AJ (the host), just look at her face and the way she explains things, it just makes me mad at how serious she is. I dunno, maybe it's just me but the whole thing is just stupid. I also love it how they go to an add break just before a vote is revealed "oooooooo, i wonder who she voted for?" - I'm sure everyone's thinking about that on their piss break then quickly run back to the TV without washing their hands and cringe just before the vote revealed. Good riddance.

I don't know about you, but i'm much more interested in the workouts and the nutritional choices they make when on the show. I hate it how there's this whole strategy bulls hit into voting people off...Personally, i'd just vote off the person i liked the least not the person i see as "the biggest threat" to me. You should have the attitude that you're the biggest thread to everyone else and if you don't, then WTF are you doing there in the first place. You're there to lose weight and improve you're overall well being!

Another one of my personal favourites is "the walk"

**Edit** The walk - ....It's missing the bit i talk about with the staredown but plenty of overhype from AJ is included...Enjoy, if you can be bothered.

Since the Aus version is basically a copy of the US version, i'll assume that most of you know what the walk is. Ok, so what is up with every contestant standing in a line and watching the person facing the walk. They all stand there and stare him/her down "oooo i hate you for going on the walk". Then whilst is on the person going on the walk and the rest of the contestants are staring at him/her it usually cut away to some stupid commentary bit "when i walked out of the house i didn't know what to expect bla bla bla" more drama hype for this stupid walk thing.

Then as if it hasn't been hyped up enough, at the end of the walk, AJ is standing there, almost frowning with a serious look on here face. She then confronts the walker and explains to him what he/she did by taking the temptation the previous day (like it hadn't already been explained 29384784 times already). Then she takes up several minutes explaining what is on one of the potential stones that the walker could pick out and the consequences if each one is chosen....Yeah we get it, pick a f uckn stone already. Usually, this is followed up by an addbreak JUST before the person picks their stone and we have to wait until the add break is over. For me personally, i find this annoying not in a "man i wonder what's on that stone" kinda way but in a "Enough of this ****, i'm changing the channel" type way.

And it's the same thing for the weigh ins and the eliminations. Weigh ins would be twice as interesting if they were half as long, which is proof that "less is more". We have to sit there first whilst AJ explains what happens at the weigh ins (ummm, they weigh themselves right?), then contestant #1 begins the dramatic walk up to the scales at which point it cuts away to a vid of their previous weigh in followed by AJ (in a serious tone) "last week you weighed in at XXX"...Then after we see their weight we have to hear their personal explanations and how they feel about their loss. I don't mind this at all, but this portion of the weigh ins just seems to drag on and they say so much that it just seems really scripted. A few short words will do. Also, don't you love it how the scale beems up and down in weight just before revealing their actual weight..."OMG, you almost had me there...i actually thought he gained 5 kilos for a second"...Annoying and once again, it's annoying in a channel changing way.

One last thing and this is another personal peeve of mine when i'm watching the show...Why do they always refer to it as "a game"...What game? I don't see any game? You're there to lose weight arn't you?....Oh i forgot, the $250, 000...That's right, it's a game because you have to vote off the person losing the most weight because they are your "biggest threat" and are putting in more work than you, therefore they work the hardest and don't deserve the money. If someone voted me off because i was losing the most weight they'd be getting a big fat F UCK YOU! after i was eliminated that's for sure...

Well, if you made it this far, then well done and if you didn't then i don't blame you, but at the same time you wouldn't be reading this bit. I could've made this a gazillion times longer but cbf. I just needed to vent a little about this c rappy show. And I'm sorry for any bad language.
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Thats Yanks for ya ...... :D
I think it's careful editing that makes it appear as if it's overdramatic. Like they add sound effects, or change sequence. It's sort of like using photoshop to touch up old images. Or like that video that made Back to the Future seem like a pedophile, mass murderer type deal. I think in real life, the actors are average Joes.
No realuty shows are true reality. The contestants are coached on what to say and how to act by both the people making the show and the contestant's 'personal managers'.

The more screen time they get, and the more memorable they make their stay, the bigger chance they have of doing the talk show circuit, or ending up on other 'reality' shows.

Drama and suspense sells advertising time, that is the bottom line.

Watching the biggest loser makes me want to puke. Get off your fat arses, get your hands out of the Twinkies box and get some GD exercise. You don't need to show the enitre world how pathetic you are.
No realuty shows are true reality. The contestants are coached on what to say and how to act by both the people making the show and the contestant's 'personal managers'.

The more screen time they get, and the more memorable they make their stay, the bigger chance they have of doing the talk show circuit, or ending up on other 'reality' shows.

Drama and suspense sells advertising time, that is the bottom line.

Watching the biggest loser makes me want to puke. Get off your fat arses, get your hands out of the Twinkies box and get some GD exercise. You don't need to show the enitre world how pathetic you are.

Obviously, but it's way overdone on this show. I just can't buy it. Like i said, less is more, they need to cut the BS down a bit.
Obviously you're not the intended audience. That's why God invented channel changers. Exercise your right to change the channel.

I dislike the show for other reasons. I feel the "personal trainers" are a joke. The way they work former couch potatoes isn't healthy. The calorie range isn't healthy. The weight loss isn't healthy. The producers allowed "water loading" which can KILL you. It gives people who are actively trying to lose weight unrealistic expectations that "if I don't lose 10 pounds a week, I must not be trying hard enough."

Having been formerly obese, and now extremely fit, I know the emotional issues related to weight loss. If you haven't been there, you don't get matter how hard you try. But now becoming a personal trainer myself with a degree in Health, I watch that show and the lack of concern shown for the actual health of the participants is almost criminal. It is more focused on selling advertising than truly sending a message of how the healthy, realistic way to lose weight works.
I poke fun at the show too and I don't agree with the amount of training, low calories and extremely fast weight loss...yet I still enjoy watching it LOL
The show is overdramatic but it is on NBC (same network as 'Deal or No Deal' and 'The Apprentic').

But, if it inspires any of the fat sacks in our obese nation to get up and take responsibility for their weight, it's a great idea.
Obviously you're not the intended audience. That's why God invented channel changers. Exercise your right to change the channel.

I dislike the show for other reasons. I feel the "personal trainers" are a joke. The way they work former couch potatoes isn't healthy. The calorie range isn't healthy. The weight loss isn't healthy. The producers allowed "water loading" which can KILL you. It gives people who are actively trying to lose weight unrealistic expectations that "if I don't lose 10 pounds a week, I must not be trying hard enough."

Having been formerly obese, and now extremely fit, I know the emotional issues related to weight loss. If you haven't been there, you don't get matter how hard you try. But now becoming a personal trainer myself with a degree in Health, I watch that show and the lack of concern shown for the actual health of the participants is almost criminal. It is more focused on selling advertising than truly sending a message of how the healthy, realistic way to lose weight works.

That's all very true, i agree and i see things the same way.
I dont watch any reality t.v. at all now its all gone to crap even local stuff. Yes it is annoying, extrememly annoying. Sometimes its playing god a bit.
Why does it have to be so dramatic all the time?

Because so many people thrive on drama and most that watch reality shows like this sometimes try to live vicariously through the people on the show. This, in turn, is how the shows get so many ratings and at the end of the day everyone is happy, especially the money making producers.

I don't watch any reality shows. Once in a while I'll catch 10 min of one because someone in the room is watching it but all that does is remind me how much I don't like them. Actually the only TV I watch is movies, the discovery channel, and the history channel.
Thjere was a thread about this show while back and everyone was saying the host, Allison was fat. I watched again and she's looking pretty damn good to me WTF?
This is actually the only TV show I sit down and watch, lol, because the people inspire me to continue working out and to never get as big as they are. I agree that there is way too much drama and the 2nd hour of the show could be put in 15 min and be a lot better. I started watching this show a couple of years ago because there was a guy from Iowa on there (not many people from our state go on tv). I liked the show then because there wasn't as much drama as all the other reality shows, the show was only 1hr and they focused more on the diet and exercise part instead of the scale and voting then. IMO they dragged this year's show out too long, if you listen to the contestants, like Mark & Ali on last night's episode, they are wanting it to be over so they can go home. (It was interesting how they edited that episode to make you guess if something fishy is going on between them.) I think the show has some good advice on how to prepare meals, and something I had not thought of before, when they went to Australia they went to a local market to have fresh local cusine prepared for them cheeper than a restaurant. I supose some people watch it for the drama, but if I want to hear someone argue, I'll just call my sister. :)
cracks me up last night they were all upset about that one dude gaining a pound. I was thinking how he is probably going to start bulking now that his weight was down so far.

What is the goal of these people? To be skin and bones? thats not healthy

I watched it with the wife while I did my stretching last night. It was tough to stifle the urge to vomit.
I like the show, but I agree. They guy who gained weight, really doesn't need to lose any more weight. I think he's somewhere around 180. I don't think he can lose much more without becoming too thin.
Sometimes 2 hours