The Big I.N.T.R.O.

Completely new to these forums or any environment of this type... I've gained a LOT of weight in the past year since returning from Europe. It's been about two years since I've gone to the gym on a regular basis. Now this summer I hope to rememdy all of this.

I'm looking to shed the inches and tone up. But while I did go to the gym before and know proper form for lifting weights, I'm really clueless about how to style my workouts, how much cardio to include, etc.

I'm going to hopefully in the next month be getting a gym membership once again. I'd like to stay away, as much as possible, from supplements. But am willing to listen. Once I have my membership I'm willing to go to the gym up to five times a week for various exercises.

Right now I'm 6'2" and a whopping 260 lbs. 40 lbs. of that I've gained in the last year alone. Frankly I'm disgusted when I look in the mirror these days. (Though I am helped by the fact that I have very broad shoulders.) And at 22 years old this is UNACCEPTABLE.

Also any tips on a healthy, complete diet would be fantastic.

I'm looking forward to posting updates and gaining a lot of info from these forums. I think a big problem of mine is that I've felt 'alone' in my endeavours to try and get motivated to get back into shape. But maybe having some people around who share the same interests and for that encouragement and support will help me finally get moving.

Thanks and looking forward to chatting with you all some more.
ignore that last comment...just a shameless plug for another site (hopefully SOMEONE will ban them)


nice to have and hope you find what you're looking for :D
Ignore the comment where potential phreak said ignore the last comment. The offending comment has been removed so, the last comment is now yours and, none of us want to ignore you :)

Loads of advice and information on these forums (the search facility is your friend!) take a good look around and post any specific queries you may have.

Good luck with your goals.