The Best Workout To Lose Weight Fast

The best workout to Spam Link Removed might surprise you. It's actually a form of exercise called high-intensity interval training or HIIT cardio. It is one of the most effective cardiovascular methods to lose weight fast. HIIT cardio alternates short periods of high intensity work with short periods of rest and light work. It alternates periods of hard exercise with periods of light exercise so as to maintain a high work rate while keeping your body working hard and very intensely. The heart rate remains elevated. The short rest periods between work sessions allows for the recovery of the ATP-CP anaerobic energy system.

An example of a high intensity training workout can be done with fast running or sprinting. Keep the work to rest ratio as 1:1. This means that you will be resting the same amount of time as exercising. So let's say you choose sprinting as the modality for a HIIT workout. You'll set a time limit of 1 minute for the sprints. The workout will look like this,

Sprint for 1 minute, then rest 1 minute by walking or lightly jogging

The above comes to a total of 2 circuits of an HIIT cardio session. Repeat the circuits 4 more times until a total of 6 circuits are completed. So essentially, you're alternating running with walking using the same time interval. You're able to run faster and keep a higher work rate per session with this approach. This also elevates metabolism for up to 48 hours after a workout, allowing you to lose weight fast. This workout may burn less than the traditional LSD, long slow distance cardio lasting 45 minutes to an hour but the benefits of greater metabolic activity results in more fat loss. You can also do the above workout with body weight exercises and other cardiovascular activities.

Metabolic conditioning is the trick to better performance, and intense circuits will stimulate those muscle-building hormones such as IGF-1 and growth hormone. You will get your body into a perfect state to build up your lean muscle mass. Interval training will also help to develop your cardiovascular system.

When you go for interval workouts, you will be concentrating on integrating hard movements that challenge your whole body in just one exercise. Try to integrate at least a few exercises back to back before you let your body recover. You want to really push your body. You need to also catch your breath in between exercises, but you shouldn't allow yourself to fully recover before you do the next set.

The High-intensity training is a very convenient way for busy people who want to Spam Link Removed . The reason is that it only takes such a short time, and it's so intense. It's not like doing an hour of moderate exercise on a treadmill. Exercise sessions can take 20 or 30 minutes. Plus, it burns calories more efficiently. For busy people who have little time to exercise, this is the best option.

HIIT workout is a very fast way to improve your physical fitness and burn a lot of fat within a very short period. Try a high-intensity cardio today and you won't be wondering anymore on the best workout to lose weight fast. Think fast, slow, fast, slow with HIIT. You won't regret it.
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then again if i go out biking for the entire day at a moderate pace it has the added benefit of keeping me away from food for hours, the downside of quick workouts. your training suggestion is not unlike most of the sports training i experienced in school. at 65 i'm less apt to consider wind sprints as part of my exercise routine, though. if you are in a ketogenic state, any exercise will help you lose weight and if you are in a glycogenic state, any exercise will speed your transition into a state of ketosis. that's the way it works, and you can't really change the rules.