The Best Vitamin/Nutritional Suppliment..

1st off, Every one know you should definitely be taking a good vitamin. Here is my recommendation. I've been taking Vibe by Eniva for about 3 months now and I no longer get that mid-afternoon lull in energy, and my workout recovery time seems to be less. Bottom line, if you are spending money on GNC or any other vitamin, you are wasting your money. This is the only Vitamin/nutritional supplement you will need to take!!
Here is a quick run-down:
- All of your vitamins
- All of your Nutrients
- 100,000 Oracs of Antioxidants ( fights effects of Stress/fatigue & free radicals)
- Heart Health Support
- Cardiovascular Support
- Immune Health Support.
Vibe was engineered from the molecule up to be absorbed by the body as if you were eating the natural food sources they come from. 97 percent of the Vitamins and Nutrients in Vibe are absored into our systems, that means you pee only about 3 percent out!!!!! F.Y.I., with just about every other Vitamin, you only absorb 10 percent, you pee out the other 90! Vibe is all natural, and supplies your body with 100 plus percent of what it needs to be healthy.
My family and I are on this and swear by it. Coaches from Major sports teams are giving to to their athletes.
Vibe is also listed in the Physicians Desk Referance (PDR), as the best Antioxidant source available. Check out my website for more info: Google is Malkore's favorite search engine.
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LMAO, wow you have every single isolated nutrient that exist in this entire world, all crammed into a pill? Damn, that must be one big ass pill!