The ART thread!


New member
Post your favorite art, discuss why you like them... or just talk about ART!!!!
You don't have to be an artist to post! Just post pictures that you like!
A love of glass runs in my family. Here's a really nice photograph of nice bottles. I don't like the bottles as much as I like this photograph. It just has a nice composition and color to it. It's actually a very well done photograph, because it sort of moves your eyes along specific areas of the photo... going from tall vase to short vase, and then down to the reflections.

Here's an example (or two.. more later.. probably) of the type of glass that I like. It's mostly murano-style glass. While it might not be particularly artistic, I find these very aesthetically pleasing. Colored thick glass vases are interesting to me because they look very different during different times of the day.
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Here's very interesting picture.... not sure how it was done.. but interesting.

more body art pictures: (please note there is some mild nudity)
this is a pretty cool site. I can almost guarantee you'll spend about 10 minutes looking at these.
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I guess... I'll start adding pics. daily until it catches on (cough, cough)
Here's a painting by Picasso done in a sketch book. On the far left, it looks like there there is a person, but I don't think it was intended.
Thanks, Sunflower, very nice!
This is interesting, both in term of the sculpture, and the photograph
I would have thought this thread would have been more popular......?????
just cut and paste? anyone?
Art plays a HUGE role in my life, it's what i've allways been good at doing but my favrouite artist would have to be Alphonse Mucha! I visited France last year and his art is everywhere. It's just so lovely!
I love Escher! I've loved him since I was a teenager. I drew this in 11th grade for art class. Not nearly as good as his, but it's still one of my favorites I've done.
AI'm a history buff and I LOVE American, German and Soviet war propaganda posters. My friends misconstrue this as me being a Nazi / Soviet sympathizer (spot the irony here). I dunno I just love the artwork, succinct wittiness, and spirit of these posters.
The other picture, (Waltzig's post) reminded of this. These are headstock for guitars made by Larivee guitars (see website for more)

There are are made with mother of pearl inlays, and take a lot of time, patience, practice,.. and a certain amount of talent.


Here's more:

IMO, this is pretty amazing stuff. I love the way Mother of Pearl shines, luminences... reflects.. or whatever you call. it. :hat: