Weight-Loss The Apple.



New member
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I think it is. Apples do something very strange to my body. But strange in a good way. For some reason, an apple seems to be the only thing that can fill me up for good. For instance, I eat more at lunch time when I don't eat an apple then when I do. Also, when I eat a really early dinner (or any dinner with two-four hours before I go to bed) if I eat an apple at the end, or an hour or so later, it completely fills me up. Whether or not I have the apple plain or with peanut butter (for example) I get instantly stuffed.

Wow, I hope I didn't sound too repeatitive in that paragraph. Anyways, what I was wondering was, is this normal? And why do these so called "apples" have such a profound effect on my eating?

Please help and what the heck, why not share your stories of what apples to do you. And do you have a food that fills you up? We'd all love to hear about it! :D
You know what I know exactly what you mean! Unfortunately apples cause some sort of reaction with that dangly thing in my throat haha (that sounds bad but I really don't know the name) - but I eat every other fruit, oranges, grapes, pineapple (my favorite), melons, etc. and I just started to really push myself to eat them as snacks and they amazingly fill me up so well! Especially something like an apple because it takes you a while to get it down you know - you're chewing and that and by the time you're done you've filled yourself up perfectly (without overdoing it) and you've also satisfied, you know, the action of eating. Really, I don't think it's filling you up more.. you just think it is. But hell, that's awesome! Haha... when I found out how much I really did like fruit - I've become addicted to it. There's a sense of pride when you munch on some fruit instead of ... you know empty calories. It's a real blessing when you can find a snack you really enjoy hey? :)