Weight-Loss The 1 Pound Challenge

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New member
I have recently seen in the gym that I go to, these cards that have grids inside. On the cover, it says to record how many calories you burn each time you use the gym and once the total hits 3,500, you've just blasted off a whole pound of body fat. I understand that a few of you here cannot access a gym or are incapable of using cardiovascular machines due to injuries or illnesses. If you have any means of measuring your calorie loss amounts, I would encourage you to try this. The whole point of this challenge is not to force yourself to lose as much as you can, but more to help you confirm slowly that you are losing weight. Losing about 1 pound over 2 weeks or however long it takes is considered very healthy and although you may take time to reach your goal, you can feel accomplished each time you lose 1 pound and at the end, you'll realize how much you have actually achieved. Due to a current workout plan I am following, I cannot participate but anybody who feels they can accomplish this are more than welcome to post their results if they wish to.
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