Sport That Time of the month! -ladies only!!

Sport Fitness
First off let me start by saying guys, if you're reading this - Stop Now!! This is only a ladies topic! That being said, my question is - How do you combat the bottomless pit feeling during this time? Today For lunch instead of having just a salad, I decided to do half a wrap to try and keep full. But during "this week" I feel as if no matter what I eat, it doesn't fill a cavity!! So does anyone know if theres something I could add in or more of to help with this? I know theres no magic piece of food to eat, (or is there??) but maybe we should add more fats or carbs etc? Any advice would be truly greatful, I don't want to blow my diet!!:D
Shells, once again, we are on the same page.

This may sound weird and i don't know if there's any basis behind it, but I feel fuller and better if I drink milk. I kind of get a craving for it, and it just makes me feel more satisfied. I just drink a cup with a meal or have a cup for a 'snack.' I also heard that calcium helps cramps but I dont' know if that's true. And this goes for all times but when I find myself hungry shortly after (or immediatly after) meals, I just add more protein next time. It seems to last longer than carbs. But that's just how I feel, I don't know about any sciences behind it.

And that's my unprofessional advice.:D, professionals, please feel free to correct it.
I used get cravings bad to keep eating around that time. The longer you keep check on your insulin spikes with a good diet, the less severe they get. So keeping that diet in check prior is very important for future reference.
So to combat the cravings when they hit...

Eat. Drink alot. Sleep well. However what to eat and drink is the question.

-I drink tons of water as it curbs cravings in a few mins and also this will help with weight gain and bloating.
-I drink tons of hot mango green tea (its self brewed and without artifical sweetneers.) Hot/soothing teas are great for counter acting food cravings.
-Warm skim milk with sugar free choc syrup and cinnamon. This is great for a chocolate craving and incredibly filling. Even throw in a FEW dark choclate chips for an extra craving killer

-Try to avoid salt as much as possible as it increases dehydration and bloating, and also causes you to be more hungry.
-High fiber/whole grains at the start of your day. Slow Complex carbs is great for controling your blood sugar levels.
-Lots of leafy greens. eat them by the pound if you want. They will get you full, give you fiber, and calm you.
-Fish. The Omega fats are good for you but also have been linked to having calming properties to help combat anxietys seen in pms.

Hope this helps some.
Don't ya love that feeling? :p

Once you are on a regular fitness/nutrition program for a few months the cravings or feeling like a bottomless pit will go away. A lot of it has to do with glucose/insulin levels and hormones.... obviously.

Having said that... I never have an issue taking a day off from working out when my week starts. If I want to sleep... I sleep :) From a nutrition stand point... eat more complex carbs/protein combos. So instead of a piece of fruit and cottage cheese...try a sweet potato and chicken.

It'll satisfy you a bit more.
I'm near that time as well. My hormones are going crazy to the point that I feel like crying for no reason and everything upsets and annoys me. I'm horrible to be around. Do any foods supplements help? Sorry for going off topic a bit.
hello_kitty said:
I'm near that time as well. My hormones are going crazy to the point that I feel like crying for no reason and everything upsets and annoys me. I'm horrible to be around. Do any foods supplements help? Sorry for going off topic a bit.

Hello Kitty, I feel ya on this one!! Its been so bad for me this week, that I was thinking of talking to my doctor about it to see if there is something that can do during this time. I'm become physco chick!! And let me just say, its not some lame excuse either, it hits us all diffrently!!
I feel you all on this one ...however I can't say I get my period reguarly to have the cravings. With working out I don't get it anymore...I have been to the gyno and they have said i'm okay and some what normal. Anyone else have that problem?
I get those cravings too. Actually they arent even cravings for me, its full blown, stomach growling, belly ache, hunger. Try to eat more mini meals. If your hungry eat. Working out helps get rid of cramps too, I find that if I keep working out, I wont get as many cramps.
mlong2288 said:
I feel you all on this one ...however I can't say I get my period reguarly to have the cravings. With working out I don't get it anymore...I have been to the gyno and they have said i'm okay and some what normal. Anyone else have that problem?

...HEY...MLONG...yes....I have this problem and I have searching for someoen else who

I haven't had mine officially for a year now. I lost some weight but I wouldn't say TOO much....I will be back to add to this gotta go....

okay back now...I have the cramps sometimes but most of the time nothing ... I don't know whats wrong either...I've had thyroid tests, hormone levels done, cat scan(b/c I have brain tumors in my family) and internal sonogram deals....and...nothing....everything is supposedly normal...or as in the doctor's words... "abnormally normal" lol

so let me know something .
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haha yep that sounds like me. Pretty much when I started working out last summer and running, biking , and power walking everyday I just lost it for over 6 months. Then Field Hockey started for my senior year and still nothing. My doctor put me on a Provera. You take it for 10 days and it will induce a period. Sometimes it works for me and sometimes it doesn't. It seems to work best when i am not working out as in the winter. However I just took it for about 8 days this past month and my period came but it was light. Hope some of that helped!

I'd get it checked out. I thought it was ok to have 3 periods in 12 months until I was diagnosed with PCOS. Apparently it is very common and can also make weight loss difficult.
shellsy21 said:
First off let me start by saying guys, if you're reading this - Stop Now!! This is only a ladies topic! That being said, my question is - How do you combat the bottomless pit feeling during this time? Today For lunch instead of having just a salad, I decided to do half a wrap to try and keep full. But during "this week" I feel as if no matter what I eat, it doesn't fill a cavity!! So does anyone know if theres something I could add in or more of to help with this? I know theres no magic piece of food to eat, (or is there??) but maybe we should add more fats or carbs etc? Any advice would be truly greatful, I don't want to blow my diet!!:D

i wish i could help u, but in my case i'm usually in too much pain to!
God yes! I used to get that reeally bad!

Loosing your periods is a bit rough though and I 've been through that myself off and on over the years! ..especially when i'm training really hard and on a tight eating plan. I did look into it though and for us women, getting our period is amongst other things totally related to how much fat we're eating. Because the eostrogen we need to haave the period needs fat or it just doesn't happen. Thats why healthy body fat percentages are higher for females..even in tiny or really lean athletes. I usually eat almost fat free sugar free low complex carb everything ( and usually just make it up with tonnes of fruit and veg ) aand I like to workout alot. It can be tricky.

For you though Shelly, I did some travel in China for a few years and over there they seem to think that mananging a period well has alot to with your fluid balance. because of that they recommend we drink loads of clear hot fluids.
I'm mainly vegetarian though so because we women need more iron around that time, and without relative amounts of vit C its useless to us and can't asborb ..also the vit c related to calcium uptake and remembering that iron carries our oxygen around our body, I can't really afford not to drink loads of orange and lemon juice then either...which is reeeally convenient because orange juice has lots of potassium to help our hearts pump and regulate our fluids so we don't get tired if we hit a high cardio load and don't get so bloated from fluid retention. ( more good news is milk has lots of potassium too !! :D)

For the cravings though, just remember it's protein that makes us feel full and as long as we're a little bit active and getting enough fibre, we should cope much better.

Anyway, hope it helps.

Blooming Lotus
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