Thanksgiving Is Comming!!!!!!

cranberry sauce
mashed potatoes
sweet potatoes
green bean casserole
seven layer salad (my favorite)
hot rolls
big buns had to throw the big buns in there didnt you..LOL. Thats what were all trying to avoid on Thanksgiving. Eating to much and getting our own Bigger buns. LOL. Your so cute Christina.
Hah, love that cartoon Christina. Thankfully I already had my thanksgiving last month, but when I did I had two of them! My fiancee's family had theirs on sunday, and my family had it on monday. Thankfully I managed to work it off by the end of the week, so I know you can too!
Christina said:
I got Bigg Bunns and I can not lie! lol

i bet my BUNS are bigger than your BUNS! hahaha!

ew i hate sweet potatoes and yams, i would tell yall why but i dont want to gross you out unless u WANT me to tell u.
man... I LOVE food and the holidays... I think what I'm going to do to help myself out is to limit portion sizes... and not go back for seconds... and eat healthy snacks in between meals so that I'm not starving when we eat... If I only eat the turkey (and not ham or other meats) - and eat just sweet potatoes and not mashed (I used to eat both) - and make sure I get lots of salad and veggies... Ishould be okay... I'm not going to stress out about it - although it will be hard since I will have like 5 big huge family meals in the course of three days!
Im not having Thanksgiving. Its my Ex's year to have the kids for Thanksgiving and Kaylee hates basically all food, and Dan well hes English so he doesent celebrate and so Why even do it. Thats one way to be good and not eat too much...LOL. Hope everyone else has a good Thanksgiving though. Everyone eat a little for me :D
Oooh Lisa, try to gross me out! I dare you! :)

oooooh Capuccino, dressing (stuffing right) mmmmmmmmmmmm to die for!
Moms always makes the best!

Lisa you cant have Turkey can you? Why am I thinking it has MSG or something to do with it?
I love thanksgiving. My mum's side of the family is american so even though i am english i have celebrated thanksgiving since i was tiny. :) it's a natural thing for me. hehe
Christina said:
Oooh Lisa, try to gross me out! I dare you! :)

oooooh Capuccino, dressing (stuffing right) mmmmmmmmmmmm to die for!
Moms always makes the best!

Lisa you cant have Turkey can you? Why am I thinking it has MSG or something to do with it?

well as for the yams and sweet mom (well the woman who adopted me) FORCED me to eat a plateful of yams and sweet potatos one thanksgiving despite me telling her i felt sick to my stomach and that i could not eat any more. sometime in the wee hours of the night i began vomiting and since i was locked in my room, i could not get to the bathroom to do it. i called out for help and pounded on the door but nobody came so i had to sleep in my mess. there was potato stuff in my hair, stuck in my ears, on my eyelashes, it was stuck to me everywhere because of the massive amount i had eaten and thrown up. in the morning, when she opened my door and saw the mess i was in she was fuming. she was sure i had done it "on purpose" and so i got one of the worst beatings of my life and then got locked in the basement. so thats my story of why i cant and wont ever touch a yam or a sweet potato as long as i live!
Bless your heart..I dont think I would touch another Yam ever either. Of course I have never had one to begin with. Sorry to hear that story. Thats awful Lisa....(((HUGS)))
Lisa... it was not a gross story... but a story that makes me pissed at mean parents once again.... I dont get how a parent can blame a kid for something like that... No child will do that to themselves on purpose...
I'm sorry if I stired anything up hun... You didnt have to go that far, if you didnt want to...
OMG Lisa...was your mother Joan Crawfords sister or something???????
I was thinking the whole time...why was she locked in her room?????
But then I read the rest.....and then I could only imagine why.....
Thanksgiving is about giving thanks.......and Thank God you no longer have to live like that....Is she still alive?...Do you have anything to do with her ?

As for Thanksgiving...Andreas and I will probaly go to
i really hate that i'm ruining this thread...thanksgiving is supposed to be happy time. but anyway kim its funny you should mention joan crawford. i never saw that movie (mommy dearest) until i was an adult, but when i did it reminded me of her only she was 10 times worse. i was locked in my room til i was 10 then moved to the basement (bed and bath) and locked in there when not in school. i dont have anything to do with her and she lives 20 minutes away in the house i grew up in. i saw her back in 2001 and she was about 73 yrs old, not sure if she is dead or alive now. back in the day, she was a black market baby broker and i think there is even some info on the internet floating around about her. those grown up kids are now trying to find their parents and she refuses to help them. its just a long sick story...
Things You Can Only Say On Thanksgiving

01. Talk about a huge breast!
02. Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist.
03. It's Cool Whip time!
04. If I don't undo my pants, I'll burst!
05. That's one terrific spread!
06. I'm in the mood for a little dark meat.
07. Are you ready for seconds yet?
08. It's a little dry, do you still want to eat it?
09. Just wait your turn, you'll get some!
10. Don't play with your meat.
11. Just spread the legs open and stuff it in.
12. Do you think you'll be able to handle all these people at once?
13. I didn't expect everyone to come at once!
14. You still have a little bit on your chin.
15. How long will it take after you stick it in?
16. You'll know it's ready when it pops up.
17. Wow, I didn't think I could handle all of that!
18. That's the biggest one I've ever seen!