thanks focus

hey even though you've been acting like a tool as of late, i had to say thanks for introducing me to torrents. i just downloaded a program that converts media formats on videos. now i can upload the videos ive been taking.
If downloading from torrent sites make sure you scan for viruses:)
Thieves. All of ya.


Tony, what sort of vids are you taking? My camera came with software that converts vids nicely. Then I bought a Mac and things became amazingly simple.
You're just getting into torrents?? Sheesh Tony, I thought you were more hip than that..
Again mreik, Im not 12 so Im not a tech wiz.

The program I downloaded is on my other cpu and I cant remember the name. Ive been taking vids on my dig camera and they are automatically quicktime files. I need to convert them for easier usage and editing within windows movie maker.
I'm not acting like a tool, I am a tool. ;)

And np. There are some pretty good free ones, too! Some people like Super, but I use Any Video Converter to convert movies in .avi format into a small, compatible .wmv format for my Zen. Which is why everyone at the gym thinks I'm a crazy person - they be watching CNN babble on endlessly about the stupid ****ing government "bailout", and I'm laughing my ass off to Black Books. :D

Though the Zen does come with a utility to do that for you, and does a bit of a better job actually, it takes roughly 5 times as long and hogs system resources to do it... so.
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Hmm, I realize theaters are a rip, but it's fun to go see a hyped up movie once in awhile. What I actually do is plan out movie times of 2 or 3 movies I want to see, then go and pay for one and see all 3. Can't beat the theater experience.
oh i still go see the big blockbusters...usually do the midnight premiers if possible. nothing like packing into a theater with hundreds of other crazed fans and seeing an awesome movie. did it for ironman, 300, revenge of the syth, and return of the king (had a final the next morning at 11:30...oops haha)
Gotcha, gotcha. I just get my gf to bring a big ass purse filled with popcorn so I don't have to pay an extra $8 for theirs. People complain about spending so much at theaters, just gotta be sly people! AKA bend the law. :D
ah forgot dark knight...that was awesome.