Thank you and goodbye

Well the time has come for me to say goodbye to this wonderful forum. My employer has updated their firewall to include this site, therefor I will no longer be able to access it to utilize the information here. I would like to say thank you to everybody who taught me the proper way to set my goals, how to reach these goals and who motivated me the entire way. I've only been here for a few months, however I feel I've gained a lifetime of knowledge from a great community who see fitness the way it should be seen. I wish you all the best in your quests, in health and in your lives in general. Thank you.

Happy trails, meng. :)
...because employees won't find any other way to kill time. Brilliant. I'm sure this will dramatically increase productivity. Good luck, bro.
I'm very sad to hear this :(

Good luck to you and I hope you will still keep up with your fitness goals.

If you, somehow, get a chance to rip on me in our journal, please do so...the motivation our thread gave me was pretty good.

Take care man and thanks for the motivation you gave me.
I'm also sad to hear this. Hopefully you can connect somehow after work.

Sorry to hear about your employer being your internet nanny. That seems to happen a lot nowadays. It doesn't increase productivity, though. People just find new ways to slack off :D

The lawfirm I work at doesn't have filters on any websites. Awesome place to work, actually.
Best of luck matey :)