Texas Hold Em

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Once I lost on a full-house because my brother had a 4 of a kind. I also took out 2 players once with an Ace-high.

Anyone got some strategies and tips? My strategy is usually don't call unless I have suited cards or a face card. I play conservativally but when I have something good I play really aggressive usually betting high or going all-in; sometimes before the flop. Also, sometimes even when I'm the big blind I will fold even though no one raises the bet. I like to hide my bluffs the best I can.
I play on party poker every now and then.
I put £20 on my account when i started a 2yrs ago and I've withdrawn £130 so far and still have £10 on the account.
But i only play small games. I dont get time for online poker anymore as i only used to play at work.

In real life, I'm not too bad, but i never get to practice as none of my friends like playing.

I tend not to play to a fixed strategy. So much is to do with luck that i never bet on getting cards, I only bet on what i already have.
I try to look at what ppl are doing and how they are betting.
2 days ago; I was a monster at poker. Took out nearly every player. Won out of 8 people. It was my going-away party.

Today, I went all-in on pocket Aces before the flop after losing to many hands and lost. Was first player out of 7.
