Testosterone treatment?

Hello I am 22 years old and I feel that i might be testosterone deficient. Ive researched the symptoms and I seem to match everything. I never fully developed unlike the rest of my very masculine italian family. I blame it on drug use during puberty but I dont really know.

If anyone knows where I could get more information on this I would appreciate it. I have made an appointment with my doctor but I have a feeling they will dismiss my concerns as it seems this is a very contraversial treatment. but im at the point in my life where i feel i need to do something about this. Im trying to look for a specialist in my area but I dont know where to start.

Ive been on a workout routine for a year now. I am at 165 5 foot 8 inches. my muscle tone is pathetic as it always has been but at least im not fat anymore.
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all you can do is have your blood tested to see what your test. levels are at.

drug use during puberty isn't smart, but I suspect you're probably at normal test levels.

most people fail to eat enough food to pack on any significant muscle mass.

If your test levels are low, you should be able to get injections from your doctor.
there are also ways to increase your natural production - taking EFA's, ZMA, a multivitamin, 8 hours of sleep, and doing heavy compound moves like squats, deadlifts, bench press and pullups.