Testosterone Supplements...any good?

Are these products any good...i had a mate who was on them while he was i the army and he said they made him feel really angry and aggressive, i think he was lying though. i found this website what do you think about this particular product
thatozzieguy said:
Are these products any good...i had a mate who was on them while he was i the army and he said they made him feel really angry and aggressive, i think he was lying though. i found this website what do you think about this particular product

supplements work to add in, but only after your diet is spot on and training/lifestyle as well. As far as supplements boosting test levels, yeah some do, but the amounts are extremely slim at best.

Dont fall for the overkill. I have a supplement list we suggest on my board (free) and with it was tell you exactly why they work and how.

But since we don't sell any, we can be honest, and as I just stated, they barely work for most (unles correcting an imbalance)

Tribulus doesn't do anything to boost testosterone. Period. It may help lower estrogen a miniscule amount, but that's usually not a problem for most men.
Can you explain how you know this for sure? Most Tribulus manufacturers claim it does.

because the actual scientific research shows it does not boost testosterone.

why would a company who's future depends on you buying as much product as they produce tell you that their **** doesn't even work?

you're trying to use marketing as evidence of it 'working' when what you really need for ammunition is a double blind placebo study conducted by an independent researcher, that shows free testosterone in the blood increases when the ONLY variable is a known intake of Tribulus.

if you can find that research on pubmed, I'll gladly put my foot in my mouth.
I know obviously theyre not going to say their own product doesnt work...

Why would they bother selling it, if its not proven to improve performance by even 1% i just dont get it.

What do the founders/makers of this substance say? ''here weve mixed a few things together, so sell it on and tell consumers that it increases testosterone''
Yep...they pretty much invent a supplement to meet a demand by the population.
When legal pro-steroids and pro-hormones looked like they'd be banned, supp makers figured out they needed something that boosted testosterone, and that herbs aren't regulated by the FDA.

Some research showed a minor increase in test. levels on lab mice...but I'm unaware of any research that proved humans get any test boost, let alone a useful level.

BioTest goes a step further sayign they are the only tribulus maker that uses the 'right' kind of tribulus to boost test levels.

I'm inclined to think that tribulus may work like ZMA....if you're lacking something in your diet, you may have slightly decreased test levels compared to YOUR UNIQUE baseline test level. in these cases, ZMA supplementation may help you get back to your natural levels..but won't help you exceed them.

Tribulus might do the same thing...but that'd be the extent of it. and ZMA is a hell of a lot cheaper.
for the record, I have tried BioTests' tribulus back when it was new, and the FDA hadn't banned pro hormones yet.
Didn't seem to do anything except make me horny. Horniness is not an indicator of testosterone levels.

Hell, cinnamon and vanilla are known for the aphrodisiac properties...and they do diddly squat for test levels.
Use the vanilla as lube and the cinnamon stick as a splint? lol..

Seriously though, I've seen studies where trib increased T a bit (very small) and in the same study it boosted estrogen 90%. No thanks IMO. If you want more testosterone lift huge, eat big, and sleep well.
another way to argue it, is if it really worked, why hasn't the FDA banned it already? they banned other legal and reasonably safe pro=hormones and pro-steroids...but conspicuously left tribulus available?