testosterone enhancement/absorption

looking for an overall boost to the sex drive via supplements and working out. i've been reading around the forums a little and it seems that ZMA and tribulus will help with this by increasing testosterone. tribulus to produce the testosterone and zma to absorb it. i was wondering EXACT product suggestions (links to specific ones) on which supplements to buy and from who. price is also important as i dont want to spend $80 on something that will last me a week in dosages, but the only real stipulation is that they must contain NO GELATIN, as i'm a strict vegetarian. also links to good yohimbe/yohimbine supplements i'm open to. i'm sure you all get the general idea of what i'm looking for, so any your best suggestions would be appreciated.
for tribulus, try BioTest brand:

I used EAS brand ZMA, bought from
the increase in T from these products isnt much. it will probably only help if you have extremely low levels, and at best it would raise them back to normal levels. these products will not raise them over and beyond normal levels.

that being said, users of zma report better sleep so that is good. also users of trib report they notice it more in the bedroom than the weight room ;)
I can support the claim of ZMA giving good rest (but avoid cottage cheese as your last meal, since calcium inhibits Zinc absorption).
And I can backup the 'bedroom fitness' claim for Tribulus...but it doesn't add 3" ;)
i thank you all for your responses... but my original question remains: does anyone know SPECIFIC brands of zma and/or tribulus that I can get that contain no gelatin. i've been finding out which products do have it by googling: "productxxx gelatin", clicking the cached version of the page so the keywords are highlighted, and checking that way. so again, anyone know of any specific brands that are vegan friendly?