Testosterone and muscle...

Just wondering how does having a high amount of testosterone builds muscle the way people say? Is there anything safe out there i could take or eat that would make my testosterone higher than its normal ability? I lift weights every once in a while whenever i get a chance to from work and have been improving a little bit everytime i lift. Ive started eo take cell-tech here recently before my lifting and then after lifting i drink a nitro-tech and found some good improvements from these supplements. I want to try and get my testosterone higher so i can build more muscle mass. I have no problem with sex lifting weights or anything physical because my job is extremely physical everyday. Just want to perform more better in lifting. Well any info would be of help and if you want to know anything more let me know and i will provide it for you. Have a good one Peace :cool:
Ironman68 said:
Is there anything safe out there i could take or eat that would make my testosterone higher than its normal ability?

No. Exceeding your norm is never safe.
Ok i guess exceeding more than normal is just like taking steroids. Ill keep working on eating right and taking cell-teck and nitro-tech for a while and see were i get. Ive also bought this GNC brand called Power Load it is used for before workout. It has B-vitamans, Protein, All the essintial amino acids, and also creatine monohydrate. Was wondering if this will help me during my weightlifting to gain some muscle mass. I have to drink 28 oz of water with it so i guess its a good thing. I also drink alot more after words so the creatine will have enough in it to work. I might drink to much water though if thats even possible. This should work just as good as taking creatine alone or will it? Well hope i havent took up any of your time just trying to find out some facts and what to do and not what to do. Thanks for the previous info and sometimes i lift more than once a week. I try to lift every other day so i can rest one day then lift the other. Also the job i have is really physical and sometimes im tired when i get in. I sometimes lift even though im tired just to see what i can do. Have a good one.
nothing natural will boost ur T, only steroids. The reason it puts on so much muscle is because Test is the male hormone responsible for muscle growth. If u pump ur body with more than normal , ur muscles will grow faster. Sounds simple enough but, when pumping ur body with excess T, ur balls will shut down natural Test production, then you have to worry bout the side effects of estrogen....etc.. I dont recommend trying to raise ur Test levels unless ur serious about working out, dedicated, and know all you need to know about steroid cycles , and PCT (post cycle therapy)
mike79 said:
nothing natural will boost ur T, only steroids. The reason it puts on so much muscle is because Test is the male hormone responsible for muscle growth. If u pump ur body with more than normal , ur muscles will grow faster. Sounds simple enough but, when pumping ur body with excess T, ur balls will shut down natural Test production, then you have to worry bout the side effects of estrogen....etc.. I dont recommend trying to raise ur Test levels unless ur serious about working out, dedicated, and know all you need to know about steroid cycles , and PCT (post cycle therapy)
Good advice!