Sport Tea

Sport Fitness
I'm just interested in tea, more specifically unsweetened nestle iced tea. I get it from a local gas station all the time lately. I used to buy it a lot from wal mart for home but forgot about it. It has no sugar or lemon flavor in it. Its pretty basic and I don't add anything to it. I love to drink this stuff but is it bad for me? I assumed it was very healthy because of all this stuff I read about green tea on the news but nestle iced tea and green tea are probably two whole different teas.

Everything else I drink/ eat is pretty healthy. Someone I knew told me tea had caffeine in it and from there I assumed tea might be bad for me. Also, does tea stain your teeth badly?
Yes, tea has mild amounts of caffeine in it. I am not sure about the iced tea, check the details on the can, does it show lots of additives and E numbers?

I drink typhoo tea with skimmed milk, other times I drink green tea as it helps with metabolism.

P.S - Also another way I get over drinking sweet drinks is to just quickly drink a glass of water, diminishing my need for a refreshing, thirst quenching drink... because you already had that from water :p