Tax incentive


New member
Have you gotten yours?

What do you plan to do with it, or what did you do with it?

Mine was in my bank account yesterday (happy birthday to me:coolgleamA: )

I put it straight over to the credit card... that's less I have to pay interest on now.. YAY
I saw a press release yesterday - that if you apply your tax relief check to a sears gift card - they will match it by 10 percent... so if you shop at sears - you're really getting some free money.
what is it exactly?

The US government is giving back $600 to every person who filed taxes this year ($300 for each child). Many have called it "Bush's guilty money", but it's supposed to help stimulate the economy. They want everyone to go out and spend it. :leaving:
lol... and does that REALLY surprise you? << Useful? What's that?? >> :D I wouldn't mind if they decided to give free money every year ;)
True, but what they don't take back in taxes is free ;) The way I figure it what I don't pay in interest on the Credit Card will cover the taxes they slap on it next year (probably not, but I can fool myself... lol) ... AND I'm still $600 ahead...
It's not free money because someone, somewhere, somewhen is eventually going to have to pay for it. The government gets its money from us, not from some magic money pot in the sky.

Like the last round of rebate checks, it's not taxable income. Nor do you have to pay any of it back. It's possible to get additional money related to the rebate law back with your 2008 tax return, but the calculation on your 2008 return won't make you pay any back.
I guess I could say I don't either...but my other half does so I do too. :ack2: But I've be screwed without him so I try not to complain about it too much. I mean, I limit myself to once a day. :D

I have no other half!!:smilielol5: