Tales of a Chocoholic


New member
My name is Agnes. And I’m a chocoholic. I have a problem, or so I used to think. When I first started off on my journey of weight loss I was bombarded by all the information that sugar is evil and if I ever want to succeed, I must give up dessert. But I love dessert, and it makes me very happy! With good intentions I gave all these dessert-less diets a try and stuck with them for a week or two, but my love of dessert and specifically chocolate, always came back. I wanted to be my healthiest-self but I also believe in enjoying life, and the two seemed in conflict. It wasn’t till one fateful day, I was out grocery shopping and I picked up a book about whole foods. I instinctually flipped straight to the dessert section to see what they had to say. To my intrigue, there were many very tasty looking chocolate cakes and brownies in there! I went home and tried out a few and they were DELICIOUS, definitely hit the chocolate spot. I continued trying the whole food recipes, desserts and otherwise, and over the next few months I noticed that my clothes were getting strangely loose. Could it be, am I losing weight I thought?! And indeed I was. For the first time in my life and without too strenuous an effort at that (I was eating my delicious whole food chocolate cake every day, sometime twice a day…). It was then that I realized that the choice between enjoying the luscious chocolatey treats I love and being my healthiest self was not an either-or situation! Cacao was not the enemy after all. It is in fact a superfood I learned with many health benefits. The enemy was the processed carbs and sugars that inevitably accompany cacao in most conventional desserts. What I want to share with you today fellow-chocolate lovers is that there is hope! I am living proof that it is possible to have your cake and eat it too! Please feel free to comment or share your own sweet-tooth tales.
Great job! You were courageous enough to keep learning and exploring until you found a way that didn't involve "jackhammering" a diet into your life that totally didn't meet you where you were. Hello sustainability!

Oh, and I'm a chocoholic, too. :)

I fit some in daily. Heck, I'll fit some junk food in daily

Welcome to the community. Keep spreading your message of balance and experimentation.