I have been browsing your forum for a while now as well as other health blogs in search for weightloss tips and I'm looking for your experience using health food supplements. I couldn't find a specific topic for advice on this so I'll give it an ask
Are any of you taking spirulina or other raw/super foods (hemp, wheatgrass, lucuma, goji, etc.) in your diet? How do you find using them? How do you eat them?
I have been considering using them as a low calorie supplement on the side to boost micronutrients as I've heard they don't directly contribute to weight loss but can aid in the process.
Let me know what you think,
Thanks in advance!
I have been browsing your forum for a while now as well as other health blogs in search for weightloss tips and I'm looking for your experience using health food supplements. I couldn't find a specific topic for advice on this so I'll give it an ask
Are any of you taking spirulina or other raw/super foods (hemp, wheatgrass, lucuma, goji, etc.) in your diet? How do you find using them? How do you eat them?
I have been considering using them as a low calorie supplement on the side to boost micronutrients as I've heard they don't directly contribute to weight loss but can aid in the process.
Let me know what you think,
Thanks in advance!