Tai Chi is a fantastic weight loss tool...
Don't kid yourself, Taichi looks slow and simple, but in fact you will strengthen your leg, back and core muscles more than you can imagine. I actually live in China so I have tried real taichi, and whereas it is beautiful and gracefull, when you are doing it "correctly" it is the equivelant of doing a serious squat, lunge, crunch and back workout. I am not kidding. Thats probably why Toothless had some problems if he had a bad back. Remember, those people who do it so easily and gracefully have probably been doing it for years. Increasing your lean muscle strength and mass is a proven weight loss technique. Taichi WILL do that for you. I tried real taichi a couple months back and I sweat more in 20 minutes than I do in a full on, 40 minute Taebo Cardio session. And the workout on my quads was almost unbearable. I backed off because I simply wasnt ready. And I was learning from a 70 year old man.... I look forward to once again getting back into it since I now feel strong enough to do so.
Its not for everyone. You dont bounce around and jump back and forth or use fast movements, but I guarantee you wont find it easy to start. If you do, simply put, you are doing it wrong. In weight lifitng they dont teach you to jerk your arms up and down doing curls as fast as possible. Slow and controlled is what works. Taichi is very similar. Those slow, controlled and gracefull movements are killer, and they will make you stronger.
I think about that initial session everytime I walk through the complex in the morning on the way to work and see all the seniors outside doing taichi, and I realize now that many of those grannies could probably kick my ass based on those gracefull little moves. They do it so easily and simply, where as I, a big strong strapping young man, floundered and struggled like a fool.
Good luck with it. Worth a try. Of course any exercise you can enjoy and be motivated to do is always worth the effort.....