Synotrim+ Weight loss formula


Citrus Aurantium (6% synephrine) 180mg
guarana 4:1 extract 50mg
green tea extract (containing >95% polyphenols + 70% catechins) 90mg
white wilow (minimum 2.5-3 % salicin) 50mg
sida cordifolia (8%) 330mg

thats whats in this weight loss supliment i just bought, i got it from my local gym - (it was £20) just wondering if any 1 has tried this and if its successfull with gud results?

guarna is like caffine
synephrine is a lot like ephedra..pretty strong stimulant
green tea is no big deal
white willow is basically asprin.

never heard of sida cordifolia - ahh, its part of the ephedra alkaloid family.

it seems like a reasonable fat burner...but don't expect miracles from it. you'll burn an extra 100 calories per day, on average, from correct use of a fat burner. if your diet sucks and you're not exercising, a fat burner does nothing but amp you up.
if everything is spot on, it'll amp you up and help you maintain a calorie deficit.