Switching from Creatine Monohydrate to CEE

If i were to switch, would I lose and size? I know in the past i have stopped taking creatine and noticed a loss in my size. But I have also slacked off in the weightlifting department to supplement my discontinued use of CM, which probably contributed to the result. I just dont want to lose any size in the progress while switching to CEE, which is supposedly better.
If i were to switch, would I lose and size? I know in the past i have stopped taking creatine and noticed a loss in my size. But I have also slacked off in the weightlifting department to supplement my discontinued use of CM, which probably contributed to the result. I just dont want to lose any size in the progress while switching to CEE, which is supposedly better.

"Most" (not all) taking Creatine MONO tend to hold on to water (and have some side effects of: Bloating and/or gas), and when they stop, there tends to be some water weight loss. You "could" be experiencing this when you stopped taking Creatine MONO. With MONO, there is a "good reason" for this water retention.

Notwithstanding the possibility of water rentention loss (from omitting creatine MONO from your diet), you could have experienced some muscle growth during this period (and this period is unknown at the moment as you did not specify). You could therefore net a postive result, but think you lost because of the water rentention going away.

Having a keen eye "on your body" before MONO, during MONO, and when going off MONO is essential to stave off confusion. Why be so bewildered, if you gain weight when taking MONO, when there is chance you will gain water weight? There is a chance you 'may" just get a bit "puffy" taking MONO.

Why be so bewildered in losing some water weight when going off? LEARN HOW YOUR BODY REACTS, and the side effects of supplements!

There is no shortage of info on Creatine MONO, if one takes the time to read up.

CEE (which has a different) chemical arrangment "tends" to elminate some of the side effects of MONO (including water retention), while giving near the same "claimed" benefits.

If I were to choose MONO or CEE, I would choose CEE over MONO.

Various Info on Creatine Mono and CCE, and Creatine Articles:

Some "relative" info on Mono:

Some "relative" info on Creatine Ethyl Ester (CEE):

An "opinion" on which is better:

Additional Info on Creatine: Does it assist training, etc:

(some good info, but seems a bit "commercialized")

Interesting Link:


How long have stopped weight lifting?

Best wishes to you my friend,

Keep ROCKEN AND WORKEN toward your goals!

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Wow thanks for all that info! That really helps alot, so CEE would help me produce real mass, as opposed to mainly being bloated by CM, or am I wrong
Look up Kre-Alkalyn,

It's a type of buffered creatine with 100% absorption.
It's much healthier and easier on the liver than creatine mono.
Of course I didn't believe when I read that it has 100% absorption and that it has no side effects but I decided to give it a shot.
I'm currently using it and I'm very happy with it.
No water retention, no gas or any side effects what so ever. Strangely enough in this rare occassion what was promised was true.
Another convinient thing is that Kre-Alkalyne comes in capsule form. And they're small capsules easy to swallow.
Because it has 100% absorption unlike creatine mono, you only need to take 3grams of it per day (4 capsules).
Speaking personally, If I had a choice between Mono and CEE, I would choose CEE. Even if I had to spend a few extra dollars. The main reason is that the side effects are much smaller and less (if any, for most persons), and one can get the same claimed benefits.

Sometimes one can find rather good deals on CEE, if they spend some time looking.

Some persons like the water rentention and the feeling of fullness that the water retention tends to give with MONO. And, like I stated in my first post, there is a GOOD reason for this water retention with MONO: It assists with shuttling the benefits of MONO into the cells, while CEE is just easier absorbed (simple version, read some of the links I posted).

I cant speak on how it effects me (as I have never taken it), no do I plan to. I deem I will be lean and mean, without it. :)

Be happy everyone, be smiling! Be proud!

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Look up Kre-Alkalyn,

It's a type of buffered creatine with 100% absorption.
It's much healthier and easier on the liver than creatine mono.
Of course I didn't believe when I read that it has 100% absorption and that it has no side effects but I decided to give it a shot.
I'm currently using it and I'm very happy with it.
No water retention, no gas or any side effects what so ever. Strangely enough in this rare occassion what was promised was true.
Another convinient thing is that Kre-Alkalyne comes in capsule form. And they're small capsules easy to swallow.
Because it has 100% absorption unlike creatine mono, you only need to take 3grams of it per day (4 capsules).

Sorry but if you're gonna make these kinds of claims, please cite your reference(s) that support your claims.

Because last I read, NOBODY had done ANY scientific research on 'buffered creatine' like Kre-Alkalyn or Purple-K.

my favorite bull**** claim of Kre-alkalyn is they state "one capsule is the equivalent of 1500mg of creatine monohydrate"...but then say you need 4 capsules, the equivalent of 6 grams of monohydrate.

So, that sounds LESS effective than monohydrate, for 4x the cost. :eek2:

CEE is getting cheaper at least, and if one can afford it, its fine to use. I have no problems or severe bloat on Mono so that's all I use.
Sorry but if you're gonna make these kinds of claims, please cite your reference(s) that support your claims.

Because last I read, NOBODY had done ANY scientific research on 'buffered creatine' like Kre-Alkalyn or Purple-K.

my favorite bull**** claim of Kre-alkalyn is they state "one capsule is the equivalent of 1500mg of creatine monohydrate"...but then say you need 4 capsules, the equivalent of 6 grams of monohydrate.

So, that sounds LESS effective than monohydrate, for 4x the cost. :eek2:

CEE is getting cheaper at least, and if one can afford it, its fine to use. I have no problems or severe bloat on Mono so that's all I use.

How can you attack a product that obviously you don't know much (anything?) about?
What I said was just me speaking from my personal experience.
I've tried and am currently using Kre-alkalyn, and I'm just stating what I've experienced so far. I'm thrilled with the results.
Also, there's a very good unbiased article about how good kre-alkalyn really is.

Read the whole article.. and then start giving feedback
you know what they say "Don't knock it till you've tried it"
it might work, but there's no research supporting it. So how do you know you wouldn't have gotten the same results with pure monohydrate?
Wow thanks for all that info! That really helps alot, so CEE would help me produce real mass, as opposed to mainly being bloated by CM, or am I wrong

You are very welcome! Read on the "benefits" of creatine. Creatine in of "itself" doesnt put on lean tissue mass; however, with allowing you to push out an extra rep or two or provide just a tad more intensity (coupled with a good diet), it can "assist" in the 'possibility" of putting on more lean tissue mass than one would have "possibly" without it.

Question earn knowledge; and this knowledge you can use to apply to your training.


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How can you attack a product that obviously you don't know much (anything?) about?
What I said was just me speaking from my personal experience.
I've tried and am currently using Kre-alkalyn, and I'm just stating what I've experienced so far. I'm thrilled with the results.
Also, there's a very good unbiased article about how good kre-alkalyn really is.

Read the whole article.. and then start giving feedback
you know what they say "Don't knock it till you've tried it"

I think you need to re-read my post chief. You posted an 'article'...not a 'scientific study'.
Your anecdotal 'evidence' means nothing.

if someone published a true double blind placebo study on kre-alkalyn, that showed it worked, then I'd change my tune.

I actually know a lot about creatine...more than you do obviously.
Just a few links I have stored in OneNote. I wasnt googling--this particular time.

Just a matter of a Opinion. I have never taken mono or CEE. If I were to take it, it would be CEE. Especially during a cut (or leaning down). Personally, I wouldnt want to find out whether I would or would not bloat and/or get gas or possibly retain water. CEE eliminates those risks with me. Its just my preference. The monetary side of the equation, isnt an issue with me, but may be with others.

The links I provided, and with some personal research on there own, they can decide whether mono or CEE is best suited to their situation. They BOTH will get the----job done.

I get gassy just trying to eat good regular food, I wouldn't need the "possible" added aggravation in the house, lol ;)

I agree with the "some", its a better choice of word in the sentence.

Best regards, Sara

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I am taking MONO right now, and I don't have any bad experiences with gas or bloating at all. I have gotten bigger , but I have also worked hard so I don't think it is all due to the creatine, i only take 5 grams about 3 days a week. But it seems with CEE the benefits and results I will be seeing are 100% real, as opposed to the water retention from MONO which makes you appear like you are getting greater results than you actually are. I was worried about the negative health effects creatine MONO may have, but I figure that there is alot worse I could be doing to my body
creatine doesn't make you bigger.

creatine allows your muscles to work longer, so you get a better workout, which COULD lead to faster gains.

its not that magical.
Yep, I absolutely concur. I guess I just assumed he'd read the thread I gave him instead of listening to the advice of someone who has no experience with it besides reading things from the internet.

Quit assuming things. Sometimes this fogs the mind and perception of what really is the truth.

I have studied creatine among other supps over a rather long period of time, and I do not have to personally experience it to give information for the OP to make a decision or give my "personal" opinion based on my own study. It seems I am not the only one with this posting method.

I posted the information in links and with other information, so the OP can make a decision based on other information rather than just my own opinion, and this is a good approach.

It wasnt meant to be exhaustive. It was meant to stimulate thought and maybe this could assist the OP in studying more which could lead to an informed decision. THIS was my motive.

Even inexperienced or "rookie trainers" (those that just received their designation and are in their first year of application), give advice that they too have no experience in, but still give advice based on some study from a book or other research. LOL. Yes, information should be deciphered without much doubt I agree. :)

I have two Bachelor degrees, a Master degree, have much personal experience, and life experience, I can provide persons on this forum, and have invested alot of time in doing so. Do not mistake my rather motivated attitude, some posting methods (on purpose), and happy and go lucky attitude, as being uneducated.

I will continue to give sincere and heart felt advice in a manner I see fit to provide, and it seems to be just fine with those that count the most.

By the way, "some" would rather spend the extra money on CEE to eliminate or attempt to eliminate the side effects of mono--this is logical, and I dont agree with your opinion. However, there are some that would take these rather minor risks (and not experience the side effects), and this is okay too. Either choice is fine as BOTH can lead to the same path--just two different products being used. I dont see the big deal, really. I dont see your opinions as Iron clad or even close to it.

Best regards,

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Quit assuming things. Sometimes this fogs the mind and perception of what really is the truth.

I have studied creatine among other supps over a rather long period of time, and I do not have to personally experience it to give information for the OP to make a decision or give my "personal" opinion based on my own study. It seems I am not the only one with this posting method.

Based on your studies......in your view......does the scientific literature support or refute the claims being made ( by some ) that creatine can be ' beneficial ' to athletes?

In other words, again - based on your studies - do the alleged benefits of creatine represent ' fact ' or ' myth ' in your view ?

Even inexperienced, NOOB, or rookie trainers, give advice that they too have no experience in, but still give advice based on some study from a book or other research. I have two Bachelor degrees

Are both these degrees somehow related in the areas of health, fitness, nutrition, exercise etc. ?

, a Master degree,

Is your Masters degree in the areas of health, fitness, nutrition, exercise etc. perhaps ?

have much personal experience, and life experience, I can provide persons on this forum, and have invested alot of time in doing so. Do not mistake my rather motivated attitude, some posting methods (on purpose), and happy and go lucky attitude, as being uneducated.

I would agree.

I think the overall, content, facts and arguments presented in posts should be more of a determinant / indicator as to whether someone is " uneducated " or educated or not on a topic they wish to discuss.
Creatine works. there have been a lot of proper double-blind placebo studies on the effects of Creatine monohydrate and male athletes.

less has been done for creatine ethyl ester, but what has been done supports the claims of a higher absorption rate, and fewer noticed side effects.

there are few, possibly zero, studies on creatine use in female athletes, which is unfortunate. However the purpose of creatine in the body has nothing to do with hormones, so its a pretty safe bet that women have no problems using creatine, and simply require a slightly lower dose on average, since women are usually lower in weight and muscle mass than men...on average.

creatine is one of the main chemicals involved in muscle contractions, along with calcium. if creatine levels run low in a muscle, it looses its ability to effectively contract to its full potential...this is represented by that last rep that you can only get up half way, no matter how hard you try (assuming you don't cheat).
supplementing with creatine would allow you to get that rep all the way up...possibly another rep or two after it. that's going to equate to more hypertrophy in the muscle.
assuming your routine is good, your diet is good, and you get the proper amount of recovery and sleep each night, it should all lead to better gains in muscle size, strength, performance, etc.

creatine is one of the few supplements that actually works (unlike glutamine, or all those NO2/Nitrous products out there). some don't respond to monohydrate...and those people should definitely try ethyl ester. If you prefer CEE, that's fine too. I wouldn't get any 'fancier' than that, because other forms, like Kre-alkalyn (buffered creatine) haven't been studied at all. you have to trust that their marketing department isn't blowing smoke up your ass. And in order to major in marketing, you need an associates degree in rectal smoke blowing.
And in order to major in marketing, you need an associates degree in rectal smoke blowing.

Quote of the fricken day! ROTFL!! And, very true. :)

Great read, Malkore!

(Off to the "out of context" thread, now, he, he)

Best regards and happy new year!

Creatine works. there have been a lot of proper double-blind placebo studies on the effects of Creatine monohydrate and male athletes.

assuming your routine is good, your diet is good, and you get the proper amount of recovery and sleep each night, it should all lead to better gains in muscle size, strength, performance, etc.

creatine is one of the few supplements that actually works

Have you had any personal experience using Creatine ?