swimming or walking/running

i am really confused here,please give me your suggestions.
i have to loose (try to)10-15lbs in two months.
i have a baby so i cannot spare more than an hour daily,i have only two options either to go for swimming or to walk/run daily for an hour.
i would like to know which one should i go for?which one do you think is the effective one?:confused:
If you go swimming, chances are that you'll gain some weight because you will eat more.
Running is the opposite. If you have a small baby I guess you should get a treadmill and run on it at home. Swimming is too much hassle with a baby at home anyway.
Forgot to tell: I didn't mean that swimming was useless. It's one of the best and most fun exercises that you can do! Especially if you can combine it with running. But to lose weight and get back to your pre pregnant shape choose running.
Laz you are right .

you should run because it dosent make you hungry after your workout, you can get very good in it very fast and it is the most valueable workout because it lower your body fat precentage and it take the most calories off for a distance. do it you will love it!!!
IMHO opinion swimming is way better than running, it worls almost every muscle and places minimal stress on the joints. The hunger response you refer to almost certainly corresponds to the number of calories burned. To burn the same number of calories running as you do swimming you would probably have to run about 5-10 times longer, and then you would be just as hungary as after swimming. Swimming is an excellent way to do HIIT (high intensity interval training) which is the best fat burning exercise there is. Just swim as fast as you can (sprint) for 30 seconds and rest fo 1-2 minutes and repeat 6-8 times. That gives you a great fat burning workout in 20 minutes or less. You only need to do this 3 times a week to get maximum benefit.
theyre both exellent!
both of them will burn fat ....
its all about preference ... some people like running because of the trees around them, or just being outside and breathing in fresh air and everything. its great for burning fat.

swimming is also great ... not only is it fun but its also very good at burning fat ... it works your whole body and a nice thing about it is that your in water ..so you dont have all this sweat all over your face .. its like constantly being refreshed. i would say swimming would burn more calories because your working everything. not to say running is inadequate ... because its also one of the best ways to burn fat ... but swimming may be a little step higher for burning fat.

one good thing for running tho is that its easier to get to ... you dont have to have a pool nearby ... u can just step outside ur house and go for a jog ... but if you can fit in time to go to a nearby pool then ur set.

like i said ... its all about preference. just make sure you've got the proper diet .. because all the exercise will go to waste if you dont have the proper fat loss diet.