Swimming in a bathtub...

just moved to a place with a pool the size of a bathtub. have been swimming for cardio - bad ankle fracture keeps me from running/treadmills. anyone have any recommendations for water workouts/products in very small swimming pools? closest lap pool is $$$$$ membership required!
do you have a place you could tie something? You could get some bands, tie them to your lower leg and swim against the reisistance.

You could also invest in an aqua jogger (not that expensive). I've heard of many stories of marathoners who actually are pool-bound all season, do the aqua jogger as if they're doing their run workout and then go on to PR their next marathon all with pool training!
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do you have a place you could tie something? You could get some bands, tie them to your lower leg and swim against the reisistance.

run workout and then go on to PR their next marathon all with pool training!

Origtinal poster-- cool that you are an overcomer!! And if you tie yourself and swim, it will be soo cool... pics please.

sparrow- what do you mean by lower leg?
And if you tie yourself and swim, it will be soo cool... pics please.

sparrow- what do you mean by lower leg?

Well this person has had an ankle injury so having the bands tied to the ankles may be a bad idea, so in that case at the knee joint would be ok. To clarify though, I meant legS, plural. Both should be tied together and you're swimming away from the band to create the resistance.
thanks!!! i've actually been trying to find something with resistance bands that go around my waist so i can swim. haven't found anything yet... i saw the aqua jogger online...may try it out. just wish there was something to actually use swimming strokes without moving. ugh. keep me posted if you come across anything!!!!
thanks, sparrow! :) your link made me realize i was using the wrong words to google!

i found this swim in place product - aquavee it's more $$$, but it has suction cups...that way i don't have to hog the in/out ladder at my community 'bathtub'!

anyone ever used it?? wonder if it will hold me...
It might be boring, but I would think treading water is good exercise