Weight-Loss Sweeteners vs Sugar



New member
So I heard recently that sweeteners, both artificial and natural (stevia etc) still cause a spike in your insulin levels, which in turn causes you to gain weight.

The other thing about artificial sweeteners is that they potentially contain some unpleasant chemicals (cancer, anyone?).

So should I just be having sugar in my coffee? Should I be giving up all sugar/sugar substitutes?

Does anyone have any insight on this? Would really appreciate some knowledge/personal experience.

Thanks in advance! :)
I've been trying to answer my own question just now... So many conflicting reports and studies - it's a bit of a minefield really :(

Hoping someone here has some personal experience and/or the expertise to give me some guidance.

Maybe I'll just cut out all the sweet stuff in the meantime...

Oh well
surprisingly, the healthiest thing for your coffee is actual sugar. If you are looking to lose weight, the sugar in your coffee (unless you are drinking a ton every day), isn't going to affect your calories enough to make a difference. And yes, substitutes are filled with chemicals that your body can't digest (which is where the 0 calories comes from). If you don't want to use straight sugar, use honey or other natural sweeteners.
Thanks for the response, AllCdnBoy!

I was starting to feel that way myself.

What are your thoughts on diet sodas? Ok in moderation, or maybe just cut them out completely?
Yea, pretty much the same boat. I'm heavily biased from diet sodas to start with. I always hated the weird taste and that was before I know how much garbage they put in diet stuff to make it diet. But, regular soda still has a lot of garbage, so you lose either way.

I opt for water 99% of the time. I've recently started brewing a large amount of tea and then throwing it in the fridge, if I feel like something with flavour. I have pop so seldom that I don't even like the carbonation in pop anymore.
When I was weaning myself off diet coke I used fruit juice diluted with fizzy bottled water. I don't know if its as bad as sodas but it certainly helped me
I'm starting to feel like any soda is a just not a good thing to be putting into your body.

Thanks for the responses.

I've seen a few people putting lemon slices and mint along with other fruits, like strawberries, orange slices, into water lately...

Could be another option - I might try it.
if it contains more than a few ingredients or you can't pronounce them, it's probably not the best thing for you.
the aspartame in sweeteners will make you hold water especially women. When i was first prepping for my first show I switched from spenda to stevia and lost albs the first week of just water..
the aspartame in sweeteners will make you hold water especially women. When i was first prepping for my first show I switched from spenda to stevia and lost albs the first week of just water..

Wow. I had no idea. That's crazy. One more good reason to not choose Splenda. :)
I use Natvia for cooking and sometimes in coffee if I really feel like something sweet. It's 100% natural and it doesn't affect your sensitivity to sugar, so if you're cutting your sugar intake you'll still want less and less sugar even if you continue to use Natvia.

Artificial sweetener is so bad for you. Not only is it loaded with chemicials, but it is also counterproductive for weight loss. As Lyoness said, it does still spike insulin which leads to fat storage, but it also gives you carb cravings!

Try ditching all refined sugars for a while and see how you go. You'll find that the less you consume, the less you'll want.

Good luck!
Lemons are high in pectin, a soluble fiber which provides a feeling
of fullness, suppressing hunger cravings.
If you feel fuller longer, then you're less likely to reach out for sugary foods
not only for breakfast but for the rest of the day!